Mad Hatter

Our regular Arkham support groups? Jonathan is certainly going to need it after this and the next episode.

I fear that Ms. Kringle wouldn't be quite so grim?
But Eddie? Perhaps. Maybe we should ask him.

On better television programmes.

Acute acrophobia (or fear of heights)
Must be common in cities so fine
But where in a city so dark and so gritty
Would you commonly come across swine?

He's a lonely wretch named Jervis Tetch. He usually only comes out on the comments sections in the Gotham reviews. Which makes sense, given that he's a Batman villain.

True. I'd admittely forgotten about Maggie. However, as you pointed out, I'm not surre she counts, as she was never officially outed in the show (despite the apparance of her partner).

…Valid point.

…OK, gay as in gay MAN, not lesbian or bisexual. Anything to avoid giving THAT SHOW credit.

Precisely! In thinking about it, how many gay CHARACTERS from comics have adapted with their "sexualiy in tact," as you say? I can only think of two, and BOTH are in this show. Go, Flash!

"Dear Princess Celestia, I have a report to make about Harry Potter."

WARNING: rampant comic book geeking out and unrestrained theorizing is about to commence. Viewer tolerance is advised.

Gah, don't mention Gotham. My alternate personality'll pop out.

Also, I just realized what your username was, and I just reread your comment in Tara Strong's voice. I laughed.

I geeked when I heard that.

Flash has yellow lightning, Reverse Flash has red lightning.

Oh, he was a GREAT villain. Taken out of context from his comic book character, I really liked him! His dickishness served the character well, and I agree that his motivations were refreshing. Plus, they moved the show plot and character development forward, which is always nice. I'm just too attached to the original

Well, sometimes. Most of the time he's a jerk, honestly.

Eh, I'm comic book faithful. I'll stick to my canon coupling. Still, more power to your ship, man.

I though this episode was pretty fun! Admittedly, though, I got tired of Pied Piper's relentless dickishness. I like the original character! He's not a bad guy, and he even reforms for a fairly long period of time! So, it's kind of a shame to see him be SUCH a unrepentant asshat here.

With Jack, I crack a Cheshire grin.
With Victor Fries, I'm chillin'.
So don't you see, my dear Wauwy?
I AM a supervillain.