Mad Hatter

I grew up in St. Thomas, USVI, and we didn't have that many channels down there. PBS was one of them, and Arthure was one of my favorite shows as a kid. Twi years ago, I had to go back there for a funeral. I hadn't been back in 13 years. I was fliiping through channels on the TV in my hotel, when lo and behold, PBS


Yes, I suppose my style is something that I must address.
Quite unrefined and oft malligned my poems are.

A Felton hat?

If you want, I can give you one. And maybe you, too, will JUMP OFF A BRIDGE FOR IT.

Ah, yes, I remember the "No Man's Land" days. Alas, that was Victor with a portion of the city, not me. Ah, those were the days. My Wonderland gang controlled many a helpless citizen back then. Our headquarters was an abandoned habadashery, we had tea and elevensies every afternoon…ah, good times.

Ah, yes, Jonathan is QUITE livid about that. He keeps threatening to find Bruno Heller's house and give him "nightmares of angry Mentalist Romans" or something like that.

To be fair, Arnold Flass did show up in this show before.
In the last episode, he tried (with Ms. Kringle) to score.

We must hold out some hope that's they'll be faithful to the book.
At Gordon pulverising Flass, I'd LOVE to take a look.

The Flash, the Fastest Man Alive,
And then Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Arrow, then Constantine behind,
With Gotham FAR afield.

With this new "Gotham" episode, I've many a complaint.
For Arrow, Flash, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., or Constantine, it ain't.

Ah, but "amiss" still works within the contents of my brain.
And if my words do not make sense, remember, I'm insane.

You know, Eddie, you seem to have a lot of fun with this.
And if I didn't try it, I feel I would be amiss.

I knew Liza would die. Wasn't sure whether it would be by Falcone's hand or not. However, I did NOT expect Falcone to strangle her with his bare hands. That caught me off guard. And I agree about the mob hit. I DO think Falcone's straight shooting a guy at the dinner table was pretty powerfully done, though.

Well, I wouldn't say that. I mean, it's not like Falcone, as a successful mob boss for many years, could have even considered the possibility that Liza was WAY too much like his mom to NOT be a plant. Or that Mooney and Falcone could've had one of their men kill Penguin, rather than have a moral cop that they didn't

Oh, same here. I heard Harvey wanted to chime in on his counterpart's appearance, but he was too indecisive about his opinions on the episode.

I don't know, looked like it was gonna work for a few minutes, there. Actually, it DEFINITELY would have worked if Penguin hadn't got in the way. Hell, I guess the real hero of the night is actually Gordon. If Gordon HAD shot Penguin, Falcone would've stepped down, Mooney would've taken over, and Gotham would have

Awesome episode. I originally thought Purcell and Miller were hamming it up a bit too much, but you know what? I kinda like it! When Captain Cold called Flash the "Scarlet Speedster," I geeked out all over. Really looking forward to seeing more of the Golden Glider, and to Pied Piper's appearance next week, especially

Luke SkyJokeSter?

You know, in terms of Falcone's age, it could still work. All they have to do is have Falcone retire and hand over his empire to his kids. Mario could easily be in his 20s at this point in the series. He could rise up through the ranks of the mod, and by the time Batman finally comes around, he could be the leader of