Mad Hatter

Check out the episode "A Matter of Family". It's the introduction of Robin into the series, along with his origin story (with a scene rivaling B:TAS' turn on the origin), and it's the first episode of season 4, the best season in the series. And, as a bonus, John Grayson is voiced by Kevin "best-Batman-voice-ever"

Well, he could be a new mob character. With Mooney out of the picture, he could serve as a lieutenant of either Maroni OR Falcone without much trouble. And it'd be a shame if modern fanboys didn't know who they are. If they know the first Robin's real name, they should recognize his parents from that. Plus, the

Well, yeah, but that's half of the show. I mean, give one good reason why Riddler, Poison Ivy, or Electrocutioner have shown up in this show. PLUS, we're gonna be getting Scarecrow AND Mr. Freeze at some point soon. This show is one-third pandering.

Hopefully, Dick doesn't exist yet. Only his parents are showing up. I feel like it could work. Maybe. A little.

Agreed. The Bruce subplot has its ups, but there are plenty of downs there, too. The mob stuff is what I've always wanted from this series, ever since it was announced. To be fair, though, the whole Maroni subplot seems to have been made completely useless as of this episode's developments.

Honestly, I thought she was going to Falcone's place until it was revealed that it was her parents' house. Well, we can always hold out hope that Zsasz will catch up with her at some point.

Normally, I'd agree with you. But the Flying Graysons are coming to this show, and soon. The writers haven't forgotten. They're just biding their time.

For a show so cheesy so often, I am legitimately surprised that this hasn't come up yet AT ALL.

Oh, I hope Waylon escapes this show. I have thus far. Obviously, Eddie hasn't been so lucky.

Happy unbirthday, Eddie.

I think everyone is hoping that at this point. However, we have a major problem: she's going to have to give birth to Batgirl eventually.

Was it really worth mentioning?

A pocket watch? It tells the day of the month.

Honestly…I thought that ending was amazing. Nothing with Gordon, I mean the mob subplot. THAT is what I wanted to see from this show from the beginning. Mooney's plan falling to pieces. The strangling. Penguin revealing himself to Mooney. EXTREMELY satisfying. However, everything else in the episode was goddamn

I greatly enjoy The Amazing World of Gumball. I feel like it's a little underrated, honestly.

How is Selina that INSANELY naive about her mother? I get the whole "innocence of a child" thing, but that story was RIDICULOUS. Her mother being in show business, I can live with. But the SECRET AGENT PART? Come on. I have to believe a kid as street-wise, experienced, pessimistic, and in-tune with reality as Selina

I did not. Oh, how I wish I did. Also, how's it goin' beyond the veil of death and time, Heisenberg?

Actually, there is an explanation for this. It's stated earlier in the series that the hearts pulled out of the chest are actually magical replicas of the real, biological heart. So, even when the heart is crushed, the physical heart still remains in the chest. The magical heart simply represents the heart's essence,

No, uh…no, you're not.

AND Doomsday in Justice League. Love this guy.