
There’s a pretty funny answering machine message in an in-game phone about a guy who wants to run for office on a platform of shipping people who disagree with him to California and establishing a northern border wall or something like that that moves up one inch a year until all of Canada is annexed. So, sorry. No

1: All games, hell all media is inherently political. The question just becomes how blatant it is and how much it reinforces or deviates from the status quo.

My main question regarding this game is the online co-op, can you play the entirety of the story with a friend? Or is it slightly different then single player?

Based on how weird they were with pre release info about the main character something tells me there will be a story line where it turns out you are somehow related to Joseph Seed, maybe a former child disciple.

I mean, yeah, but I think there’s an appreciable limit and after a certain threshold it’s just a breakdown in the game’s cohesion (e.g., Bioshock Infinite). I’m not trying to preemptively criticize the game before playing - I’m genuinely curious if/how they handle it.

Yeah, I’m not sure how I feel about it as a ‘learning experience’, but many kids have to do stuff like things because their parents don’t speak English. Definitely not with a toddler! I’d probably make out the list and have the kid order directly from that-can’t be any worse that Bob from accounting calling in 10

It makes sense that licorice and buttered popcorn would top the list. It’s not that a majority of people prefer either of them, but that they are distinct flavors that don’t compete with other flavors for a favorite. More people will prefer a fruit flavor to black licorice, but there are dozens of fruit flavors from

The results are skewed by the sales data; regular people are content with a mix but monsters buy the two worst flavors by themselves in bulk.

Black licorice and buttered popcorn as the top two flavors? Was this poll only given at senior living facilities?

You find yourself narrating your day like it’s a documentary, you explain every mundane task in detail, and you read a lot of books (or just recite them since you have them all memorized in a week or two).

I really thought this guy would just fade into obscurity after that whole Suicide Forest debacle, but I guess he’s still out here trying to remain relevant.

I already do this with my cat and she doesn’t learn for shit. She’s 7 and you’d think she’d pick it up by now. NO way this works on my future kids.

30000 words in a day? I’m pretty sure I don’t say half that on my own (quick Google says that the average woman only says about 20000 a day and the average man 7000, which sounds about right). If the average person speaks at a rate of about 150 words per minute (Google again, but I’m guessing this is a really high

Jalopnik can get pretty dog-whistley at times.

Interesting to see how many comments here call for death of the offenders.

Yes, their actions are dangerous, yes it’s illegal.

But I bet if the same crew was white, the tone of most comments here would be quite different.

Ah, Jalopnik, I love you, but you’re bringing me down..

No. No one else does that. I can’t imagine the sort of person that sees a mirror in an elevator and thinks “man I need to remind myself what I look like flexing.”

“If I’m in an elevator with mirrors, and an obvious camera, can I flex? What’s proper etiquette whilst alone in an elevator yet potentially being observed?”

For the record, if you get the flu shot and then get the flu, your symptoms will be milder and the illness shorter than if you don’t get the shot. Exposure to any of the influenza viruses does increase your immune response to the rest.

Pulmonologist and ICU physician here - There are numerous strains of the flu virus circulating all over the world. Each year, the vaccine is made based on an educated guess of which strains are likely to be most prevalent in the coming flu season (i.e. by looking at what strains are circulating in the southern

I’ll take even a 10% reduction of the chance that I’m going to pass a flu virus on to an elderly person, an infant or an immunocompromised person. I’m young (relatively) and healthy, and I work in an office, ride public transit, and work out in a gym. If I get the flu, I’m infecting thousands of people before I even