The actual editor however *did* give her an office, err, workspace and put her in charge of the branch healthcare plan, which may or may not cover leprosy, anal fissures, or hot dog fingers.
The actual editor however *did* give her an office, err, workspace and put her in charge of the branch healthcare plan, which may or may not cover leprosy, anal fissures, or hot dog fingers.
Meh, this would’ve been more impressive, had Calais Campbell not pulled some crystal ball shit and called this a week ago:
Point taken. And both of them are pulling off a look that my grandfather had down back in the 50's. The only thing missing are the suspenders with belt combo.
Jeep is the best/worst about putting out awesome concepts and not following through. My contributions, the J12 and NuKiser, which I would give up a kidney for, maybe even both.
Bruce also does a solid job in pulling off the Kylo Ren look.
‘Wakanda is a shithole country.”-Donald Trump
Yeah, I wonder why Lussier said, “the first three”. Must’ve been a typo, as clearly it should read “the three Indiana Jones movies”.
Good call. +1 gold-plated diaper to you.
Exactly. That’s why I love coming here, knowing that everyone here recognizes that Kirk>>>>>>>Picard.
Plus, it also gave us space dildos, err, “flight pods”, presumably designed by Freud-El.
Not bad, Dellavedova, but The Viper did it better:
...or they are huge fans of Wonder Years star Fred Savage. I mean, who didn’t appreciate his work in The Wizard? Or his underrated performance in The Princess Bride? He made Peter Falk look like a bum.
Meh, still better than Trump.
Ha! Dione! What a wimpy name! Sincerely, Sheev Palpatine
Always bet on black.
Nah, Covenant was the rom-com. Watch it again and you can finger, uhhh, I mean, figure it out.
Did you say pow?
A Nazi made out of bees is still not as evil as Steve Bannon. If said Nazi killed puppies, then, maybe only marginally less evil.
Yeah, but does it have a TURBO?!?!