It’s working out pretty good for taking all of your money to use our airport, go to our professional sports events, attend our concerts, and drink non-3.2 beer at our bars. So, thanks! Keep those Brownbackistan dollars coming our way.
It’s working out pretty good for taking all of your money to use our airport, go to our professional sports events, attend our concerts, and drink non-3.2 beer at our bars. So, thanks! Keep those Brownbackistan dollars coming our way.
Then again, Missouri was the pro-slavery of the two states...
This the guy? He knows how to handle problems.
Just Empty Every Pocket. (‘03 Rubi owner here)
On a positive note, it looks like this will pave the way for a sequel to The Big Short.
Hey, what’s the deal? I watched the whole thing and didn’t see one of these. Fail!
Dude, chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature. Asian-American, please.
Reche Caldwell?
Well, if our Commander in Chief would bother to pay the taxes he’s dodged for the better part of 20 years, we’d be well on our way towards paying for all this.
“No offense, but”-guy has made his appearance. Now fuck right off. A guy dies hours ago and you want to cast stones from the pedestal you put yourself on? Have some decency.
Talk is cheap. That chair needed thrown, maybe even choked.
That’s a valid argument, Lawyer. Objection, sustained.
Not only that, but he claimed that it had the 2nd best tv show intro.-everyone knows the Rockford Files theme is number one...followed distantly by The Greatest American Hero.
They were in the playoffs in 2010 under Todd “Check out my Camaro, bro” Haley. I’ve taken the Chiefs to just as many AFC championships as Andy Reid.
Is that Georgia O’Keeffe’s yacht?
Dana White has instructed Hunt that he can refer all matters related to his attorney, Heywood Jablowme.
You haven’t heard ? The white, aggressive, and angry look is the in thing for 2017...
I don’t dance for green eggs and ham I don’t dance, Sam I am.
The soundtrack was great, but best part? Hardly! This. This was the best part. And here I thought you were Jalops. smdh
I got a Craig James notification for this?