+1 share of frozen concentrated orange juice
+1 share of frozen concentrated orange juice
I’ve got a question: How the hell do you fit the giant brass balls you have in such a tiny car? 174 mph?!? In a 20 year-old Saab?!?!
It doesn’t play Ode to Joy when you turn the handle?!? Well this is just utter rubbish then. What a piss-poor effort. I want one!
Hey! Maybe you guys need a refresher course. It’s all ball bearings these days!
Did you hear the one about the constipated mathematician?...He had to work it out with a pencil.
The only reason Louis lost to Rocky Marciano is because Joe Louis was 137 years-old when they fought, making him only slightly older than the Bernard Hopkins I saw the other night.
I gotcha. I was just being snarky because of the kerfuffle surrounding the CGI work done on Tarkin/Leia. They could make Dick VanDyke the voice of a talking rock and make him the lead character, so long as he gets to keep his outrageous “Cockney”? accent. 😉
Here’s a picture of the suspected masturbator:
Give him the ol’ Peter Cushing/Grand Moff Tarkin treatment! What could possibly go wrong?
I’d imagine that track gets a little more slippery once the ladies see who the instructors are:
“Soft names make soft people. I’ll bet you anything that ten times out of ten, Nicky, Vinnie, and Tony would beat the shit out of Todd, Kyle, and Tucker” add Bronston to that list. Sincerely, George Carlin
A newt?!?
Holy shit! The Bearcats made the Deadspin feed!!!...and it wasn’t for anything sketchy! Way to go ‘cats!!! #OABAAB
He’s lucky that she didn’t have time to grab a pair of these:
I get that reference!
I smoked pot with Johnny Hopkins.
Dude in the hat is The Schocker. Look at the jacket, that’s a straight-up homage to his costume.
Not in a trailer, but still a damn fine cover used in a damn fine show:
What the hell? It’s a Sunday and Shawshank isn’t showing on any channel? Surely, we are in the end of days.
Hola, amigo. It must’ve been a long time since he rapped at you, but Jim Anchower knows for a fact that the Ford Fiesta is a straight-up pussy magnet, especially if you’re getting the Led out; blasting some Cashmere, yo.