
Yeah, yeah, but when are we getting a trailer?!?! šŸ˜‰

I will always pronounce it :ā€œBro-hamā€.

Came here looking for this...and Milton Berleā€™s bladder control.

Plus, that Grandpa Joe? What a deadbeat, lazyass freeloader. #SayNoToGrandpaJoe

If this thing played some Stan Bush when I pulled it apart, Iā€™d strongly consider bank robbery in order to pay whatever the cost.

This was the first thing I thought of. Creepy as fuuuuuuck.

Double dumbass on you!

The Postmaster General has ways of dealing with scofflaws like this.

Well, double dumbass on you!

The Lee/Kirby run on FF is one of, if not, the greatest gift to the medium ever.

This guy^^^. This guy gets it. Couldnā€™t have said it better.

They didnā€™t even have the budget to give the Thing a pair of pants. Thatā€™s cheap.

What's a Nubian?


Itā€™s Wednesday, Agent Carter, and you know what that means...itā€™s business time...

And that helmet can't be good for visibility. He should probably take it off.

+1 churlish.

I was saying Boo-urns.

ā€œDamn kids! Stay off my nuclear wessell!!!ā€