
Hey, your headlights are on high. You could temporarily blind someone with those.

Thank you, Kansas City for using taxpayer money to build an awesome arena and making absolutely no attempt to put a professional sports franchise in it.

Nice that your old man has that story. I’m not surprised about it a bit, because Steve McQuen isn’t only the “King of Cool”, he's a hard-charging, devil dog MARINE! Ooh-rah!

George Brett? What is it with you and sea creatures?

En vino veritas. This is why my phone needs to be taken away from me after drink 1.

Hell yes! Sam Elliot is on screen for only about 10 minutes, but he owns every one of them. There was a Road House 2, and the fact it wasn't a prequel about his character is a crime close second to 9/11.

Maybe the next trailer will reference Pauly’s robot. We can only hope.

RIP PB Max. You were too good for this world.

So, you’re suggesting that MLB should just say “fuck it” and do it live? Sounds good to this guy.

Or just try to beat Battletoads.

I always work ACDC into all my multiple choice quizzes. Yes, I know, I forgot the lightening bolt.

Pro tip: The “stop short” maneuver is a sly way to cop a feel.

Ground control to Major Tom, it's called heterochromia! Hello!

Good job of reminding Cleveland that they’re Cleveland. They were starting to get the notion that they could be champions of something besides setting rivers on fire.

Spoiler: it’s Gwyneth Paltrow’s head.

You got a problem with the Aztec? You don’t think, you never figured out how to think.

Well, if anyone would know What’s Happening!!!’s Raj.

Probably not, but it’s piss-poor timing on the part of Jeep’s social media person. Have some damn sense.

So, this was just posted on Jeep’s FB page. smdh