
What about white?

Fuck you, Daisuke! That jacket is awesome; and I take umbrage at you saying otherwise! You wanna go, brah?!?

2014 better watch her fucking mouth.

Cue up the Simon & Garfunkel.

"Riding Giants" is amazing, one of the best sports docs ever. Hunt down a copy and watch it.

Was the shampoo bottle pushed in at a medium pace?

It's "LOSE"!!!! As in, "You lose! Good day, sir!". "LOOSE" is what is used to describe your mother.

Babs Uvula who?

He's one sexual assault credit short. Couldn't get it online.


To paraphrase Mitch Hedberg, not dishwasher safe's dirty.

Now *there's* a guy that can pull off the puffy shirt look.

Here's the original owner, who, in fact, sold the car for some crack.

You're on a long flight and you don't want to hear annoying sounds? Headphones/earbuds, folks. It's 2014, get with the technology.

I refer to my boss as Supernintendo Robinson all the time.

Uh, it looks like shit?

Scrappy Doo. That fucker can get run over by the Mystery Machine.

Would Greenpeace like to put one of their t-shirts on it first?

I believe the preferred nomenclature is "interdimensional beings, in point of fact".