There was hate for the TJ? I thought that was pretty much the greatest Jeep built. Then again, I've been driving my '03 Rubi for 10 years now, so I may be a little biased.
There was hate for the TJ? I thought that was pretty much the greatest Jeep built. Then again, I've been driving my '03 Rubi for 10 years now, so I may be a little biased.
"For Extreme Off Road Rescues", aka, "cruising to the local strip mall to pick up bitchez at the bar, yo." Sincerely, the dude-bros that'll represent 99% of sales.
Quick! Staring contest...go!
Hang in there. KC fans have lived w/inept GM's like Allard Baird, multiple 100+ loss seasons, ownership that actively torpedoed any chances of a playoff run through a small payroll, & players that were motivated to do just enough to keep their jobs. 29 years. This team is the embodiment of the proverb of the sun…
Favorite post-Batman role: Ray Nicolette, Jackie Brown/Out of Sight. Anybody could've filled that spot, but it was nice seeing him there. He's one of those guys it seems you can't help but like.
He's told Mora a thousand times, he doesn't roll on Shabbos!
Holy shit! He just stapled dude's nose to the back of his skull.
How do you know the thief/thieves wasn't some piece of shit racist, such as yourself?
Fatality, Gillies.
Adams was the first thing that came to mind. JB isn't quite the statesman that Adams was, but I bet he and Franklin would've gotten on fabulously.
KU over K-State in Kansas?!? This is a football related map, right? Not that I particularly give a fuck. M-I-Z!!!
I know at least one guy that's going to be celebrating hard.
As opposed to KC, where the downtown might as well be located in fucking New Zealand in relation to its sports venues. Still, at least we don't have to call the Rams the home team.
Steve Buscemi's ne'er do-well brother?
I love Vicky. He's the best.
That's going to put a shit-eating smile on somebody's face. And hey, don't forget your gift bag on the way out, honey.
3 weeks?!? Seems a little harsh. You'd think he punched out a woman or something.
I use the police as my barometer in these cases. As in: "Would the police shoot them if they saw them walking down the street, eating chips & minding their own business"? If "yes", then they are black & counted as such.
Tomorrow's Wednesday, that's right, it's Bizzness Time.
^you're. Stupid auto correct . Well, back to writing lesson plans for the high school students at the place I graduated from. Sincerely, "Steve" who thought he was "Curt".