
Yeah, where's Sam Neill & the motherfuckin' dinosaurs?

The Iron Man movies barely touch on Tony Stark's alcoholism (2 addresses it , slightly) and most comic readers seen satisfied with how RDJ & the films portray him. They could infer that there is/was a tense relationship without showing actual violence.


Did you say "videos"?

It's legal if they're related, right?

You could've better proven your point & avoided the ire of the internet, had you just simply posted: Florida.

Eddie got away with a lot of that because he practically had to carry the show-it damn near got cancelled. You can get away with a lot when you think that an week could be your last. Eddie & SNL were the best things for each other at that one magical moment.

George Carlin and Dice never translated to TV or movies, either, despite multiple tries. Not every comedian is meant for the screen. Some shine best with a stage, their material, and an audience.

None of the (all white) writers at SNL knew how to write for him. They did what they knew at the time: give him a "character", ala Opera Man, Wayne & Garth, Pat, "Makin' copies..." etc. Rock was totally underutilized at 30 Rock.

That's a solid top 10. Get rid of Irrera and put in Seinfeld, though.

I've seen Raw & Delirious more times than I can remember, but the majority of the material in both is dated & at best, awkward and uncomfortable-especially Raw, where he spends most of the time attacking women and "faggots". I almost just skip to the parts where he talks about his dad. That shit is fucking gold. Top

Yeah, Eddie's routines on "faggots" are indeed, "great". They really hold up over time, especially when taken in context of his relationships with transsexuals.

Hey! You're Tony Randall!

Yeah, we heard ya. Now go see if you can find a good deal on some Affliction shirts down at Goodwill & you'll be set.

I still get the ol' NES out on occasion, just to run through the original Zelda. It's such a great game.

*cough* Hellcat.

"...Thanos sitting on his throne, floating in space. And smiling... sinisterly."

Leave me the fuck outta this.

Did you hear that *whoosh* sound coming from over your head?
