You mean, Supercalifragilisticexpialidickcheese, aka, Jonad, aka the Cloud Botherer
You mean, Supercalifragilisticexpialidickcheese, aka, Jonad, aka the Cloud Botherer
…in the Press Room of the White House, where there would be absolutely no security cameras whatsoever, or the chance of someone walking in on them. Christ, this show is fucking dumb as hell sometimes.
From the Book of Shalit, Chapter 5, Verse 1: This video is no game! Top score for this cinematic achievement!
Biggest question of Season 5: How many more times do I have to see Doug Stamper's O-face? Look, we get it, Doug Stamper: This guy fucks.
The Jerk Store is running out of YOU!
Billy Idol, what's with the sneering crap? Don't do that to the people, they want to like you! That's what killed Dennis Day - contempt for the audience.
That guy fucks.
I'm still trying to master that little shuffle dance he did in Iron Man 2.
I wish he would've been there to do the commentary when that fuckhead running for congress body slammed that reporter in Montana.
Of course you can! When you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything! Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.-America's 45th President, Donald J. Trump
Utopia U?…still more legitimate than Trump U.
I still have trouble wrapping my mind around the guy in the original having a record with "Time of my Life" in the 1960s. It makes no damn sense!
That's right, Tiny E! Now go lay your head down on that miniature marshmallow and get some sleep.
They could stop getting pizza from the place covering up Hillary's pedophile club. Oh, and Cool Ranch Doritos, more of them, please.
Should the school and the White House Press Room get new vending machines? Answer on our online Survey Monkey poll!
TJ Miller, doing for water bottles what Gallagher does for watermelons.
Hell yes it does. It's the ringtone on my phone.
Pure electricity…in my pants.
I liked it in Krull.