Diablo otto

An under-rated Schwarzenegger film, in my opinion.

Alternately they could have just sent the boys home to reflect on how they could have handled that better, and let Alia Shawkat and Jessica Walter continue the press tour.

Chick-fil-A has a peach milkshake? Well, I know where I’m going after work.

And now that the Expanse is off of cable, new episodes are going to be full of titties.

Remember the Cant!

This was a dark time, folks. This is why they wanted me to turn off the dark.

Green Lantern: The Animated Series- R.I.P.

YES! Agents of SHIELD may not be the flashiest part of the MCU, but it’s the one I love most.

You seem nice.

This is goddamn who’s saving Lucifer??

This. I hope the ratings are abysmal.

If Fox hopes this will be another Roseanne they’re in for a shock. The only reason that show is doing as well as it’s doing is due to nostalgia and the fact that 20+ years ago it was relatively innovative. Nobody has fond memories of gathering around the TV in the good ol’ days of 2011 to watch such memorable

B99 is the only network comedy we still watch. That and Agents of SHIELD are the only network shows we watch at all.

Heartily recommend Legends. Don’t leave the best Cap’n to lead a band of epic rejects in a time ship through daring-doo hanging. Honestly though, this show is a joy bomb to the nerd core and loves it’s audience back.

I should mention that Swamp Thing once beat the shit out of Batman. 

I guess not to many networks have the balls to let a show depict a corpse swallowing a person via its anus...

As much as I hate his approach to food I’ve got to give him some respect, since he seems to be a pretty stand up guy. Most of the restaurants on his show end up with massively increased sales, and on one occasion he helped one restaurant rebuild after a fire, which can easily drive a place out of business.

If he has scripts ready to go, why not just change Mad Max’s name to ... let’s say Angry Archie and just make the movies with another studio. No one cares what the silent dudes name is, we just want to see him drive fast and kill people.

So, in an era where the President of the United States lies habitually and there is an entire ecosystem of media organizations devoted to spreading lies and propaganda, you attack this guy for wondering how exactly a video that shows none of the things it claims to show works, exactly?