Diablo otto

Why are they launching their service without any of the selling points that would make me interested in this? I want Young Justice Season 3, and I’m nominally interested in Titans and Doom Patrol, and they’ve got nooooooone of that to offer for at least six months? But, hey, you can read all the old comics you’ve

You ever touch the hand of someone who has no soul? I have, and I made the exact same face.

Boooooooo. It’s The Soup II, Netflix. The Soup deserves to exist in some form! It deserves to exist!

Oh man I’m gonna have to watch Robin Hood again for old time’s sake.  It is the movie that made me fall in love with Alan Rickman.

A fun weird thing about Charmed is that they had guest appearances by pretty well known bands. They gave them a club and then just put musical guests there randomly with zero point to the plot. I was re-watching recently and they had The Cranberries! 

You act like you’ve never heard of a torrent.

For anyone wanting to shit on this for any reason, know and understand:

Okay, guys. Let’s not go there.

Fun fact - my internet and cable were both out one night in a storm a few months ago, so I gave this show a try based on positive A.V. Club feedback, and it was really good. I still haven’t gone back for the old episodes, but I’ve been watching it regularly since. So, count me among the chorus who is glad it will get

Number of time Chris Hardwick was accused of sexual harassment or assault = 0.

I’ve been hanging around this site for years. Was that the BEST use of my time? Dunno. But it provided an outlet for snarky jokes and pointed me towards some truly amazing shows and movies I never would have watched otherwise, helping me to steer clear of others that weren’t worthy. Like many other long-timers, I was

Okay spin-off:

I wonder what the backstory is for this video. Is Mike Judge a Portugal. The Man fan? Or is he just happy to take their money to license Beavis & Butthead?

Wasn’t expecting the highlight of my day to be a Silverchair burn.

I don't listen to Portugal The man, but I found that really funny, regardless if PTM actually rules or sucks. I miss Beavis and Butt-Head video commentary. 

It sort of felt like everyone lost their minds this episode, but let’s give it up for these characters who didn’t:

The best advice is from King of the Hill

This is a good thing. For whatever reason, Lucasfilm hasn’t been able to devote the time and attention needed to produce a quality film every year, without massive behind-the-scenes problems. They’ve been allowing the Stories to flounder (every single one has gone through multiple directors) while they focus on the

Ah the old “I’m not racist/homophobic but...” argument. Do you also have black friends that let you use the n-word as well?

If it’s an MMO, pass.