Diablo otto

Things I am hoping for in the new season of Jessica Jones:

This assumes that:

A) SNAP recipients do not pay taxes, which, since they ostensibly still buy things, is patently false, and it’s far MORE likely that with deductions you pay less taxes as a percentage of income than they do.
B) It’s ok to create a lesser class of citizen with fewer choices and fewer rights by

I’m not on any sort of food assistance, but if someone told me I couldn’t have cheese anymore (regardless of my status at the time) I would cut them.

Someone else who remembers John Doe!

I also love how LoT has so many actors that have been around forever, but weren’t big names. nate is played by the guy who was the worst love interest on What I like About You, and the best love interest on happy Endings. Heat wave was in prison break and I know him from John Doe (he was also in blade trinity but we

Starring Steve Zahn and Martin Lawrence.

That was in the show? Seriously? So not only do they think Black-ish and Fresh off the Boat, the only two “black and Asian family” shows on the network, constitute “all,” they think what they represent can be easily dismissed with a snarky, cliche one-liner.

soooooo calorie filled, yet sooooo good.

Stallone’s is worse, because it’s a call for violence against an innocent high school student for committing the sin of opposing violence against innocent high school students. In what alternative universe does ANYONE think that makes them the good guy?

That isn’t a rhetorical question. That alternate universe is

Sure it does - look at Mindy St Claire! She’s going to look exactly the same forever!

I did, but only in the spirit of Holy Week.

I’m convinced that there are lists printed out in the AVC offices of people to be hated hated or loved unconditionally. It’s the only way to explain the constant slamming of Sean Penn and the constant praising of Tiffany Haddish.

Can we just stop for a moment and acknowledge that he (allegedly) told Daniels that she reminded him of his daughter?

If you need me, you can find me in the For Sale: Heavy Equipment section.


Why are you re-casting a Brie Larson vehicle with Chuck actors in a story about Shazam!?

Won’t someone please stop thinking of children?!

Noted conservative, free speech advocate Ben Shapiro was prepared to comment, until he realized Hannibal Burress was a scary black man, at which point he clutched his purse tightly and proceeded to cross the street.

If this nets me a Blu-ray collection of the three Carnosaur movies, I’ll be a very happy boy indeed. Especially if Raptor can land a spot too, as it would feel somewhat wrong to have the others and not the Frankenstein’s Monster cobbled together out of footage recycled from all three and Eric Roberts.