
We had to say dickety, because the kaiser had stolen our word for twenty.  

“What responsibility do you think that Americans need to take to repair the legacy of slavery in our country?”

Gareon, my Raidered son
You’ll be kneed when you are down
Lay your weary head to rest
You’re going on I.R.

Not so much “set the tone” as harmonized with the tone that has resonated through this franchise for decades. 

Geriatric vampires?

That’s because it’s so common they’d never get anything done if they checked on all the kids who got laid out. There’d be no time for growth. No time for teaching. No time for going with your gut. No time for liking the cut of someone’s jib. No time to double-down. No time to fourth meal. No time to just do it. No

Because Peterman didn’t find a way to get his checkdown pick-sixed (75 yards)?

Mind-fucking Sharapova is something I’ve been doing since I was a teenager.

Man, Richard Sherman’s really lost a step. 

I honestly thought that was like a selfie stick with a large baked potato on the end.

I have a friend who regularly saves drunk weekend tubers after they’ve floated downstream and into the Arizona desert. One girl told him she thought the river just circled around and you’d float back to your original spot. You can’t make this stuff up.

He died like he lived: drifting aimlessly wherever the current took him.”

This is a minor point, but Jay-Z’s $1 million minority stake deal out of the two billion Prokhorov spent to buy the Nets/Barclays Center did not “speed up the hyper-gentrification of Brooklyn.”

The difference is that Kap and Reid are getting paid by white people but being an owner means making money off the backs of black people. It’s not the same situation at all.

It’s called Monty Burns syndrome. Surround yourself with yes men, and next thing you know you’re the smartest person in the room, even though you are far from it. Simpsons did it!

Oh come on. This is yet another hit piece against the Trump administration. Its not like they have been removing environmental regulations on blatant polluters, intentionally understaffing agencys, canceling lawsuits already in progress and fighting states for protecting their waterways in court or anything. Witch

This guy clearly violated the terms of parole and they let him out without bail?  At the very least this should trigger a new sentence hearing for his prior offense.

Nah, the letter-writer isn’t selling her home. She’s pissed that the Black people have the money to live near her so, as is their wont, she’s hyper-vigilant to everything they do (or don’t)!

I’ve said some inarguably stupid and angry things over the years when some kid kicks my seat, but I’d frankly applaud any kid that could kick my seat from in front of me.

Great except it makes you download a stupid adobe product to print your coupon while also insisting on getting your home address.