
That’s an acute observation.

“Sometimes I get it right, other times I can be pretty obtuse.”

Good call. You mean on the power play I’m guessing when, you know, the idea is to move the puck around because you have one more guy out there and can pass more easily, and then shoot it when you spot an opening, right? Couple curious things about this though. If he’s just standing in the same spot all the time and

Still not the worst thing Dallas has gotten away with around the goal.

No fault of hers, of course, but also not a level playing field - and sports assumes that there is one.

Say what you want about Jack Edwards but I have no idea how he maintains that level of enthusiasm for an entire game.  Seems exhausting

His future ex-wife is already sick of it.

I think they got a touch impatient this year - they should be looking at next year for a solid playoff spot, and this season for working out kinks and getting game plans in place. They did the broad strokes; now is for working on the details.

Cole didn’t brace himself for protective reasons, in the video above you can see him spot Kuznetsov at 0:55 and basically line him up for a “scrape”or “bump” type of interference that hopefully wouldn’t get caught. However Cole’s shot went from harmless to harmful due to two factors - 1) Cole chicken-winged his elbow

Not take cheap shots at skill players behind the play?

A spokesman for Roger Goodell says the commissioner will indeed take action, and that he was not previously aware of the video.


Agreed! Go ahead & be a law abiding square in the right lane.

A few weeks back I passed a tractor trailer in Florida that had large letters on the back saying “If I just passed you on the right you are an asshole.” It’d be cool if he passed this guy.

The worst part is that you know this person hangs out in the passing lane, despite that fact that it’s just as much against the law as speeding...

The Bruins won because Tim Thomas became the best goalie in history for three years. They couldn’t score (highest scorer had 62 pts in the regular season & only two players had more than 25 goals), they had no PP, their defence was decent and that was good enough to get out of the east that year and then they got in

So let’s take a look at applicable Vermont laws:

What an amazing self own it is that Cheetolini’s idea of catering is sending out some aides on a Mickey D’s run because he’s too cheap for a real catering company.

This is how they got Krusty.