
The Bruins won because Tim Thomas became the best goalie in history for three years. They couldn’t score (highest scorer had 62 pts in the regular season & only two players had more than 25 goals), they had no PP, their defence was decent and that was good enough to get out of the east that year and then they got in

So let’s take a look at applicable Vermont laws:

What an amazing self own it is that Cheetolini’s idea of catering is sending out some aides on a Mickey D’s run because he’s too cheap for a real catering company.

This explains why the Vikings can’t win in the playoffs. A common motivating tactic among coaches, especially when one feels overmatched, is to remind their players that their opponent put on their pants the exact same way they do. Sadly for the Vikings, they know from the beginning that this isn’t true and the game

“A TV show about R Kelly? Haven’t heard from that dude in a minute! Lemme catch up on some of those jams from back in the day”, while completely ignoring any and all context, what the show is actually about, what the news/websites have been reporting, etc.

It’s hard to be obese when you can’t feed yourself for a decade. Unless the staff was force feeding her like a goose, as well as raping her.

I did. The show went on. Thank you for your concern about a community theatre production from 1993.

“In short, Afghanistan is truly a land of contrasts.”

Or maybe “Bombs Away”...

The Police’s “Peanuts” is about him

He said the quiet part loud there. 

If she can skate I bet the Panthers will hire her.

Eh, I guess but it doesn’t excuse bad behavior. If anything people should be even more conscious about being a good citizen. My 3 year old knows you don’t litter or shit on the floor. Adults should know to behave better.

I share your sentiments, but the citizenry of a country built on the twin pillars of narcissism and entitlement can't really be relied upon to do the right thing.

On successive plays in the first quarter of this game, Bobby McClain got called for Pass Interference, then Alonso got a personal foul for a late hit on Allen out of bounds.

It won’t work. Ask JFK, Ronald Reagan, and Gerald Ford**. All of whom were surrounded by people expert in the use of guns, and none who were protected by using those guns.

Im going with a classic solution: human pyramid. Strongest on bottom, lightest on top. Have the one who climbs the last few feet of wall secure rope ladders for both sides at the top.

Her: “I didn’t do anything!”

This is how they got Krusty.