
Meanwhile, my goddamned, miserable, worthless, shitfuckular Buffalo Sabres got shut out yet again last night, giving up not one but two empty-netters in a 3-0 loss to the Bruins. Even if the Sabres had won, they still wouldn’t be in double-digits in the win column. But yet the fucking Golden Knights can cobble

What’s with the lovefest for Froomie? Ask any amateur racer in the US (probably some of the only traffic you get for these articles) and Sagan will always be above Froome. Sagan is the poster child for cycling these days. He has the palmares, the swag, the charm, the sponsors, the background to backup his current

Melo told a Manhattan Supreme Court that he had caught the victim sexting with other men after he came back to their apartment at 5 AM after a night out.

Half Dome in Yosemite is uninhabitable, that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be protected, dipshit.

In fairness to Zinke, that’s not a skill he’ll need in 10-12 years, when there are no more rivers.

“Put me down for a 14.”

RIP Wentz’ mobility.

She’s not going to intimidate me and make me back down.

“They’re just cowards and I hate it,”

That’s pretty much why I’m burnt out on stories like this. There’s absolutely no new information here. The disgusting person said or did something else disgusting. Anybody with any sort of moral code already hates him, and his supporters have proven that nothing will turn them from him.

Best part of a separate Slate piece covering this charade:

Yeah, you know, it really works. Trump is five INTs-in-a-half bad at presidenting, while Clinton would’ve given us 200 yards, 1 TD, and no picks in presiding over an unexciting but marginally effective bureaucracy that wins games 16-10.

Talib is 2/2 on ripping Crabtree’s chain off...

In the end, both players were asked talib the stadium.

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There were 3 shooters in the JFK shooting: Oswald, the grassy knoll, and a squirrel in a tree on Dealey Plaza.

I feel so bad for this guy but I can't stop laughing.