
I swear to God if they cast Johnny Depp as the Goblin King I’m leaving this planet forever.

Looks like the vast power requirements required to open a wormhole cut deep into their lightbulb budget.

Yeah that’s an important part of it. It’s not like he was watching some Disney movie with kids (or even adults who didn’t want to watch porn).

“We must repair to my chambers where I shall demonstrate an experiment of mine own”


Yes, but not THAT part of Maine. He lives in Western Maine, a much stranger place (which makes sense).

Random levitating alligator or crocodile or whatever? Nope. That's normal shit, apparently.

yikes. such a pretty color too. too much boob

Kate Beckinsale

I was really disappointed when I saw the long picture :(

the dress is ugly

If we get President Trump, everyone should be fired. Into the sun.

I hope you mean the 2016th season of Earth: The New Series, because there were a few billion seasons of Earth: The Old Series, or The Classic Series as it is sometimes known.

What’s brilliant about it is that it’s so funny that it can be watched without the sound. Like you say, the expressions he pulls are utterly hilarious all on their own.

Maybe they got cast in a better show? Mars?

I am absolutely devastated by this news. Alan Rickman was one of my absolute favourites. Ever since first seeing him as the excellent Hans Gruber in Die Hard, I just could not get enough of him.

My uncle (65), Davie Bowie (69) and now Alan Rickman (69) all in the same week with cancer.

Not only will the next Doctor be a black female, she'll have a lesbian relationship with Missy and it'll be the single worst thing Moffat has ever written. It'll be handled so badly that DW will just die and it'll be off the air for 6 years until Rupert Grint buys the whole franchise and stays in the role for 30

Who is also somehow a ginger....