
this pipe is not for oil


I'm from a town in northern BC. Let me tell you, this project only has support from the Ontario conservatives. All of the major federal party leaders other than Harper oppose it, the BC premier opposes it, the First Nations oppose it... It's not going through, not without a hell of a fight. It's got incredible public

Oh no, now the US won't have any massive leaks spilling out onto farmland or seeping down into our aquafiers. How will we ever survive?

Nothing made in china is usually very good

It's not really very good, though, is it?

These are gorgeous! If you find the same for Samurai Jack, please let us know.

I love that they're taking some of Ralph McQuarrie's original designs and incorporating them into the movie! Can't wait for this!

So basically, anything Brutalist?

Please don't lump all religious people into the same category as Young-Earth Creationists.

Love it. That game rocked, btw.

Oh how I miss you, X-Files. :-(