
I need that so badly.

We are just scraping by. We have a 10 year old Prius we’re nursing along, waiting til next year to get the Model 3, til mr.ottokatz gets tenure so we can get the car. that 7500 was really going to help. But if we are able to get the 35000 model, with a 3500 federal, and 3000 state, perhaps that will do.

It’s ok, in-n-out people. I’ve got my 5-Guys, and that’s all I need.

Damned straight I’ll bring my own pie! And probably my own stuffing! (onion thing)

That’s why I do the brandy, or whisky. Really does a nice job.

#truefact I will not eat a pie made with store-bought pre-made pie dough. The apple must be sliced, not chopped. The crust needs a good brandy, or whisky, butter not vegetable grease (I’m looking at you, Crisco). Top layer should be rolled, or woven, not crumbled. And the edge shouldn’t be too thick, to prevent

I can’t look at that and not see this

Dirty blond woman in green tank top doing a spit take gets an instant block every time. I don’t care if you follow me, or I follow you, or you have 10,000 followers. Instant block.

Due to home repairs, long term unemployment, stuff, we were $24,000 in credit card debt. It wasn’t pretty. When we asked for lower interest rates on the cards, the companies (4 of them), jacked them up to the highest legally available, because they could. So I called my congressperson’s office for help. They

That’s my fetish!!!!

why won’t this let me insert an image??? no matter how many times I drag it. no matter what format. no matter if i ‘upload’ it. or drag it. or go to https. wtf.

oops. Missed that was a response to a potato comment. My apologies.

From the edge of our Solar System.

Well, at least she’s got the tin-foil part going for her..

If you’re shuddering now, take it from me.

Ranch dressing does not belong on pizza. It belongs on wings, and that’s it. Maybe salad. Maybe.

Kansas makes sense to hate shellfish. By the time it gets there, how much of it can really be good anymore?

I see where all the good dreams I’m supposed to be having go.