
No. It’s not ‘bread’, it’s cake. Therefore, it is not a sandwich. It is a double-layer cake.

perhaps a Catholic priest could officiate.

I fell in love with Voss when I did a medical research study, and got a coupon for free lunch in the diner in the building. My local grocery store doesn’t carry it, found out walmart does. Which means I’ll never have Voss seltzer again.

I fell in love with Voss when I did a medical research study, and got a coupon for free lunch in the diner in the

I had my teeth cleaned last week, and the hygienist asked me how much soda I drank. Told her none. Then she asked me how much seltzer I drank. I told her a couple cans a day, she warned me against drinking too much. Said (and I had known, but forgotten) that seltzer is an acid, and will eat the enamel right off my

I had my teeth cleaned last week, and the hygienist asked me how much soda I drank. Told her none. Then she asked me

I love this whole thing. I can’t wait to get my hands on this cookbook.

Is that what that guy was about? the grocery store where the guy put the celary down his pants, rubbed it, and then put it back?

All that data will be there. I think it’s smart to pull those locks. We have the same kind where I work, for security reasons.

Really? I’m not sure you want to go there, unless I’m missing something you’re in the wrong neighborhood...

The skin! My favorite part!

Potatoes are full of piss?

I am 61 years old. I have never had spiders come out of a Christmas tree and I always have a real tree. I don’t think this is a common thing.

It happens. It happened to me. I just picked up the pieces, put butter on them, and carried on.

It doesn’t even look cooked enough.

When we were kids, before swordfish was deadly and was cheap, our parents used to buy it all the time. They’d make baked potatoes and fish, or potatoes and t-bone steak, and they were the best potatoes. I have never been able to duplicate them. They were black on the outside. Like, really burned. But the insides were

Thank you. I don’t understand the hair-shirt, you are banned from society forever mentality of this. What happened to rehabilitation? What happened to ‘you did the crime, you do the crime’, and then, you come out and you’re part of society again? In some countries, they don’t even lock up murderers for life, it’s not

Onions, shallots, chives, scallions, leeks. They’re in everything. Even powdered onion flavor is basically dried, ground up onion.

It’s a chair, but it told me it was actually a squid. So now it’s a squid.

I’m a yelper. But I write reviews for good and bad experiences, mostly because I’ve got that damned onion allergy going on. And I want to warn other people that if they’ve got allergies, and they have to be careful about where they eat, I want other people to know where is a place that takes their allergies seriously,

hm.....3 metal restaurant racks, 4 office chairs, a slate blackboard, more napkins than any one person could count. um.... 3 test tube wire racks. 200 15 ml test tubes.

Unconditional love?