
Her new size 38 EE kidneys are throwing off her balance.

We grew up on sos, to this day every once in a while I get a craving for sliced roast beef open faced sandwiches, peas on the side. Hmmm.... I feel a roast beef dinner coming on.

Aw, come on. You’re telling me this hair doesn’t have it going on?


You think I let anyone else drive?

I learned to drive on a 57 Chevy half ton pickup. I then owned a 65 Beetle, and then had a 97 SW2, which I put 250,002 miles on, same clutch. Now I have a 2013Fiat 500c, 87k miles. When I finally traded in the Saturn, I made them saw off the stick knob and give it to me. I loved my wagon. I don’t think Ill ever love a

I have never had seyferts, I miss to this day the demise of my dearly departed State Line Potato Chips.

Who do you think is reading this essay?

I saw this video and first thing that popped into my brain was At Play in the Fields of the Lord. Then I listened to it, and read the comments. What a first class asshole.

Too much will be wasted, left on the side walls of the squeezable tube. Give me a good tub that I can scrape clean with a tub anytime. And Rosin is right. Stir it up, spoon it out.

Do comments routinely get pulled?

You’re so right, and it’s not really such a joke.

Kellyanne was an Aerosmith groupie?

After you watch (watched?) Spinal Tap, I hope you watch (watched?) Best in Show.

According to law, in Maine, Betty should never been taken. Females are to be v-notched in the tail, and returned to the water so they can make baby lobsters for the rest of their lives.

We know someone else who went to ‘military school’.

I say this is the one. look at the angle of the tail lights on the side of the vehicle. This is it.

Oh! At first I thought it was a black layer over white pleats, but the second larger pictures shows the colors! Im not sure which I like better. I do like both versions. My minds interpretation of black/white, and the color blocking.

Im a white person, and I applaud his video, his joy at the solidarity. I loved watching, seeing them stick together for each other. I donated to the gofundme. I wish more people would stick together for whats right.

How much shit am I going to take if I say Im not fond of either, the Burberry, or the white lace?