
Its legal to grow your own in Maine now. Its legal to smoke your own in Maine now. WTF is the big deal? Why did they take her crown???

In my house sometimes it is. When the roll is so stale that it splits when you pick it up. Or when youre so poor you dont have rolls and you have to use bread, so you use a slice of bread, put two hot dogs down, and condiments, and then another slice of bread. Hot dog sandwich.

My boss got his July 5. Its awesome, he let me drive it to work July 6. (good man). He said Do you know youre going 95? oops! What a great car. To never have to stop in a gas station again... I dream of that.

I can’t stand going to the gas station.

I think Mom was trying to maybe keep the caffeine from her Coke stash getting to Kid? Just a hunch.

Holy shit that 2 minute video made me burst into tears at my desk and I can’t understand why. the fierceness of them. The beauty the rhythm. The unity and the teamwork, the sisterhood of them. I need to see them if they ever tour near me.

You made me cry at my desk. Why you make me cry at my desk?


My mother was given DES on Easter morning before I was born, she was miscarrying, And it saved my life. And deformed my cervix. So son#1 came early. Son #2 died at 5 months of pregnancy. Daughter #1 died an hour after birth. Son #3 was sewn into me, was still born early, but survived, and so of 4 pregnancies, I have tw

No yeast. This is unleavened bread.


The coat is too long. I know, other Doctors have worn long coats. But when your running from something, or to something, a long coat can work like an anchor dragging you down. I think the coat doesn’t work.

Exactly. How is she going to keep them all safe?

Is it 451 inches across?


Its what I mean. Secret Service is one thing. But it’s THIS president. THIS asshoe

But, her dad is THIS president’, and she comes with secret service kicking around. Who wants to deal with those issues?

I think Marla did the right thing by Tiffany. Shes the one getting a post-grad education, Seeing the world past her father’s myopic eyes, seeing it’s not just all about the money. Maybe shell be the one visiting them in prison. We’re counting on you, Tiff.

My father is a hunter, and that which he shoots, he eats. He once had the task of butchering a bear he shot. Hung it up on the meat hooks where he has hung the venison hes hung for 60 years, skinned, butchered, packaged, and froze it all. And said he’d never do it again. It looked to him like a man hanging there. But

Hows our friend doing, the guy with the cars he had to get rid of, 30 cars per month?