
Some woman was stupid enough to put her head up an exhaust pipe and it got stuck?

And yet, you read the headline, still read the article, and yet again took the time to comment??

I work with ‘plastic straws’, actually micropipet tips, for measuring in the micrometer level. They are like tiny plastic straws, and the manufacturing process makes them sterile. I would think plastic straws you drink through would be the same.

whoa. See, when I’m going to see a movie that I don’t really want to, I google the heck out of it. know where all the scenes are that I’m going to have to hide my eyes, know what’s coming up, I just can’t take it.

No, I don’t see many movies. Most are too violent, or suspensful, or bloody, or..... weird. Are those really his hands?

are those even his hands??I don’t think so. I mean, they could be some woman’s hands in front of him. I don’t think those are his hands.

my god look at those fingernails.

I was kicked off my town’s freecycle page for questioning the ad asking for a free babysitter. Seems the parents wanted a night out, and needed a free babysitter, I thought maybe this isn’t such a good idea? Thinking, you get what you pay for, and when it comes to your kids, you really want some rando from freecycle?

The first time I got engaged, was in the parking lot of the Ground Round. He actually tried to kneel in the driver’s side of the Camero. And then we went inside and threw all our peanut shells on the floor.

One Fourth of July we ended up going to an American Steak House in town for dinner. We somehow just didn’t get invited to anyone’s picnic. It was sad, but we looked at it as an adventure, something we could someday talk about. I remember the steaks were thin. Like breakfast steak and eggs thin. And the garlic bread

I’m right there with you.

In my house, it’s ketchup, horseradish, chopped finely celery, and that’s it.

lol, thank you, nothing within 50 miles of me for that. I just learn how to cook.

That is really good to know, but scallions, green onions, are growing on top of the ground, so I don’t know if that lets them off the hook. More research needed!

Pic, because.

Fruits have lots of acid. Someone I know did real damage to his teeth from just eating fruit all day, every day (with other foods). It ate away at the enamel of his teeth. Now he’s going to need major implants, or dentures, just because of his fruit habit.

Oh I would be SO UPSET if the trumpsters shot their own dicks off! So upset! It would ruin my week if they did that! Dear trumpsters, please, don’t shoot your dicks off! Don’t do it!

Is VPN different from HPV, or Hiv? Asking for a friend.

Deleted facebook last......January, 2017? I don’t know. A long time ago. And I’m upset they won’t tell me if the data they got from me wasn’t sold and bundled to Russia. They could, but they won’t.

That’s not bacon, that’s ham.