

He would have been paid had he been on the road, or behind a desk, either way.

I have 2 nieces in kindergarten, twins. One is devastated her hair isn’t long, flowing, and blond like her sister’s, like a Disney princess. Nevermind it’s gorgeous in it’s own right, and she’s smart as a whip, and gorgeous. She’s 5 years old, and Disney has her brainwashed that she’s no good.

He had sex with under-aged groupies, as did every band member in the 60's and 70's.

No. We just stop counting after three. What is the time limit on the counting? A week? A month? There is no “Rule of Threes”.

Hey. My evil mother in law just yesterday turned down palliative care. She lives. And we lose David Bowie, and Alan Rickman. It’s not fucking fair.

Love it.

We had just gotten back that morning from bringing our boy scout troup on a trip to Washington DC, July 4, and that afternoon took them all to see Independence Day. It was a great time. Can’t believe it’s been 20 years. Hopefully this one will bring back the feelings we all had, good fun, good cheer, camaraderie with

Also, auto-erotic asphyxiation.

I am terrified I’m not going to be able to see it. HBO? Where? I get only the most basic of Dish network.

Dr. Strangelove and Failsafe. Same movie.

The strings make me gag

Tears. Actual tears in my eyes watching this. I didn’t think it was going to affect me, I’m 58, so I wasn’t a little kid when this whole thing started, but it’s in my dna, I guess.

Chips and dip to me means potato chips and onion dip. Tortilla chips and salsa are tortilla chips and salsa. They are not chips and dip. Dip is Dip.

Why for the love of dog would anyone think that was a good idea???

Breibart was a right wing rabble-rouser, would print inflamatory crap to stir up the base, and make money. He died young. But his publications are still going on, stirring up the base, printing lies, to make money, and your crazy uncle more crazy and madder.

Does anyone else think they were terrible? Am I commiting a sacriliage for even typing that? Because I think they were terrible.