
I mean in the context of the story. Why would a “dog” be wearing clothes? Why bother for a wild animal?

Why is spot wearing a g-string? Why? Just why is this “dog” wearing clothes? It doesn’t make any sense.

I can’t look at this man without thinking about tree puzzles. And that is a good thing.

The pop sci magazine OMNI ran a story The Last Man on Earth back in the 70’s, can’t remember more than that, about the end of the human race, it was quite sad. About how her pregnancies did not work, how she eventually died, about how when he was dying he carved an X on a rock, to serve as his gravestone, and he lay

I think part of my problem with it is they didn’t give any room for a brain case. There’s no room for a brain in his head.

I’ve been watching Dr. Blake lately, I love it!

Can I comment from the other side of the table? Saturday night we all went out to a local restaurant, after the closing of the play. Cast, crew, tech people. There were about 40 of us, but the restaurant knew we were coming, we had reserved space the day before. They had the water pitchers filled ready, glasses,

One of the reasons I drive a Fiat500c. Well, that and the giant hole in the roof.

I know it’s sacreligious, but I was never a fan of Rose. River, I like.

Ring insurance is worth getting, it’s quite cheap.

I usually tip 20%, my husband 13-15%. I always try to snag the bill before he gets it. Because I know you guys work your asses off.

We hung ours under the kitchen cabinet, above the coffee pot. Got rid of the annoying big block with the too many knives we never used. But we didn’t get ours from Amazon, we got it from Ikea. This is a good price if you’ve got Prime, I don’t know, is this Prime eligible? Anyway, we love ours.

We hung ours under the kitchen cabinet, above the coffee pot. Got rid of the annoying big block with the too many

I’m putting in my obit that no one is allowed to come to the wake, memorial service, or afterparty in a fuckingminivan. Because I hate fuckingminivans. I’m not joking about this.

Been trying for two days, and I still can’t figure out how that thing would have been worn.

This is the first thing that’s gotten me excited for the movie. Thank you so much for this!

Domestication of the Russian Fox took only 50 years.

Just what we need. More bottles around the tub.

I’m confused. If she packed the body up in a box (minus the head and a foot), then why did she take the time to boil it down? Why not just pack it up then and there? Why harvest the fat?

Why the hell aren’t there gates for when a train is coming??

What was the name of that movie, it was great!