
goddammitsomuch. We don’t get Fox.

I’m not scared. I’m on the East Coast. Now I’ll go back and read the article.

Donate them to science. Basically they’re fingernail clippings.

I can remember after reading the book being awake at 3am sure that one of the raptors was going to get me from the side of the bed. When I was 34 years old. That book was great.

If this were available, and priced comparable to flying, I’d go. I don’t go cross country because I don’t fly.

From what I’ve read over the past 2? years about this project, this would be much cheaper than high speed rail. No, I don’t have citations. If you are interested, there is a thing called google.

I had the exact same reaction. And 23 years in the lab still hasn’t cured my obsession of PBS (Public Broadcasting Service.)

Would it work on me, considering I’m of the lady persuasion? Could I grow a beard?

Oh hell no. They probably have pieces of dead alligators and snakes tucked away in there for snacks for later.

Kind of. It depends on the individual dog. My dog once ate a 3 pound bag of chocolate chips, the good ones. And all it did was run a very good brand new wool carpet. He was fine, and looking for more.

Funny, I’m eating that for lunch right now.

That thing is hideous.

I absolutely love him. He is trolling so hard, and making it a win so hard. He deserves every cent he earns.

She gets to keep her medals because she was faster/better than the people she was competing against. Simple as that.

Just that I get the impression that he’s she’s in the zip code of the line

I use gray/grey almost interchangeably. Like when I’m feeling especially frisky I’ll use grey. Or when I’m feeling sad, I’ll use gray.

Can I add my own word? “bullshit”

Laughed out loud when Cruise got it! O the poor ducklings!

My parents were driving home to the east coast from California when it blew. I have a can of ash I treasure. I remember Dad saying how he had to change the oil and filter every 200 miles in the GMC Yukon to make it back.