
Don’t tell me.

You sound bitter.

Yes, I know. And I asked. But I don’t have over 600,000 saved for retirement yet, I don’t have a Bachelor’s degree, looking for work. I don’t have a relative up there (will you adopt me?) I can live with. And I’m 62, getting ready for retirement. I asked Canada, you told me now. (I do have a very comfortable

We are moving to Maine, Mt. Desert Island to be exact. I echo your sentiments exactly, one can always throw on another sweater, or hand-stitched quilt. I asked Canada, but they said now. Turns out it’s really difficult to live there full time.

Most of the veggie alternate ‘meats’ have onion in them, the old-timey veggie burgers, or the new meat substitutes, either as flavoring, or as a major portion of the patty.

Wow. I am so the opposite. When I want an oatmeal cookie, I want it to have raisins in it, and if it has chocolate chips, someone is going to get a sternly-worded letter. Chocolate does not belong in every damned thing. Chocolate chips, especially the tiny ones, even more-so.

Under-rated comment.

Can I give you 1000 stars? Because you’ve said what I’ve been trying to say for a long time.

I have a tree transplanted from my dad’s front yard, with one wisp of a root, to mine. It makes the most wonderful apples, and we’re waiting for harvest in a month and a half.

We’ve always used paper bags, rolling the top down twice for added rigidity. I guess for a kid, this will work for a while. But the  empty box is not going to hold a whole box of used tissues.

I’m sad I didn’t think of this.

I’d probably be very good for this.

You’re confusing them with the Germans.

Bossman was going out of town for a week, so we had some time to plan. The building we were located in was doing some renovations, so items were ripe for the taking. We got some baseboard carpeting, a can of paint. Our company had 11 people at the time, our offices were down a long hallway with labs on the right, and

The most patronizing douchbag this side of Douchbag City. And then multiply by 1,000,o00,0oo

Well. I lead a very boring life, and have never clicked on an ad, so any information gleaned from the time I was on FB, is not doing their advertisers any favors.

Ah hahaha, I’m at the state of my life where I get to say Kelly who?

How would I find this information?