
There must be a kernel of a seed of a thought in there, if we dig deep enough...

But then he goes on with “here’s something where you walk up and say I want my insurance, it’s a very tough deal but something we’ve done a good job of.”

He also thinks Akie Abe doesn’t speak English.

That’s a pretty stark correlation.

When people ask what happened here, tell them that winter came for House Pornhub, and lots of people didn’t.

Donald was that kid who could get the same thing as everyone else at dinner but would ask to have a bite of yours first.

The part that pisses me off to no end is that they are blaming Democrats for the ACA having troubles when REPUBLICANS (more specifically, Marco fucking Rubio) are the ones who kneecapped the legislation in the first place.

They still haven’t learned. Over a year later, and they have learned nothing. It’s bizarre. Back during the campaign, when this was a just a humorous old, male version of the Anna Nicole show, they did it for the ratings. Now, even when it doesn’t bring in good ratings and has been proven to assist the New

Or do the more responsible thing and stop “interviewing” them. Interview is in quotes because it isn’t an interview when the person being interviewed refuses to answer. Cooper should have cut his feed once he realized Gorka wasn’t going to say anything remotely true.

Omg don’t engage the troll! He’s posting this on all kinds of unrelated articles, even the one about the goddamn shark.



Obviously, what that ottoman lacked was a proper amount of ventilation holes. Good eye once again cat.

I have a really smart cat, who maybe can hold hearings in my place when I’m too bored/unfocused to do my job.

This is even worse than when my colourblind dad used to ask pre-school me what colour the wires were when he was re-wiring plugs, fixing the car etc.

I’m waiting for him to strangle a toddler on live television, only to be told by Fox News and congressional republicans that it was no big deal and demands for an explanation as to why are democrats trying to politicize toddler strangling, and because he’s the president than he gets to strangle any toddler he chooses.

You can always make another baby, but there’s only one foul ball.

That’s how “they” will save money on healthcare. Everybody is too scared to go to the doctor since there will be a record of pre-existing conditions. If you go to a doctor early to avoid consequences, you can’t afford insurance. So you don’t go for checkups for fear of being labeled.

This sounds less like ignoring it and more like making a decision to not seek treatment due to the financial burden placed on his family.