
It should have been an homage to that scene...well maybe it was with the much-less-suspenseful window-breaking. And, why, years later, given everything that’s possible and has happened in the MCU, didn’t all that motorcade TAKE OFF AND SPROUT SCI-FI MINIGUNS once the choppers showed up?

It will never make sense, just let it be bad. I maintain that the attack on Fury in his SUV during Winter Soldier was the height of action in all of the MCU.

The attack on the president was some of the worst TV-budget action I’ve ever seen. 

I’ll volunteer that I kinda hate the storyarc about Fury’s wife. Yes, it humanizes him and gives him some personal stakes, but there’s nothing that she’s brought to the plot in her VERY brief time that couldn’t have been accomplished with Maria Hill.

What bugged me about Rhodes is that in his first appearance he’s still kinda acting like Rhodes. But once the audience (and Fury) knows he’s a Skrull, the performance goes over the top.

i maintain that the BEST scene in the series has come from episode 3 where talos threatens/hurts Gravik and all of a sudden he’s SURROUNDED BY GRAVIKS!!! Like that is VERY GOOD that’s what I want!! and they just keep gettin ghampered by “grounding” this story and i’m like this is Not Working!!! it’s NOT WORKING!!!!

That shootout does serve an important narrative purpose, though. Without it, there’s always going to be some nagging possibility that one of them is lying about their love. The shootout establishes that both of them are willing to die on the chance that the other loves them enough to miss. This sets up some stakes - Fu

The most frustrating thing about this series is they haven’t used Skrulls as anything more interesting than people who do the same kind of infiltration we’ve seen Black Widow do before. The entire setup is totally glossed over because it makes even less sense than most movies, especially for a “grounded” spy thriller.

Whritten by Whill Wheaton

I keep seeing this show billed as a thriller, but we’re 2/3 of the way through it and I honestly have trouble paying attention for more than like 5 minutes at a time. The pacing is bizarre, the action is rote, the performances are flat, and the writing keeps flirting with interesting ideas before deciding instead to

when I say going back to I don’t mean for a season two but for a rewatch. I have rewatched Andor and that is still a blast. Secret Invasion though? unlikely to get a rewatch.

Especially since Danvers already knew of a nice planet that had recently been vacated by it’s only resident. Thanos’ retirement planet, Planet 0259-S, which he personally owned, would’ve been a perfect spot to relocate the Skrulls to. Problem solved.

Yeah, any tension felt in the first episode from the not knowing who to trust/who’s a skrull angle is just lost at this point. The mild tension of G’iah trying to get out last week is gone. Secret Invasion should’ve been a slam drunk, but it is just very mid. Not that everything needs to knock it out of the park, but

The biggest gripe with this series is it honestly just isn’t all that interesting. it seems to be trying to be a slow burn but it’s not really setting much up and there are very few hooks to really keep me interested. I plan to finish watching it but I definitely don’t see this as something I will return to like Andor

I agree with you -- it’s not just that this is a political thriller without (much) politics. The big question is still out there: what, if anything, did Fury and Danvers do to deliver on their promise to the Skrulls? 

It’s such a bummer that this show is so bad. In Winter Soldier they did this sort of intrigue so well. Here we’re left with excellent actors just bopping from scene to scene without any indication the writers thought about things like arc or emotional investment. Sam and Ben should be great together but the story and

It goes over as whell(sic) as your not using a quick spellcheck.

I could say the same thing about console players that won’t shut up about console wars.

It must be so exhausting to be a PC gamer.