
You can care about more than one thing at a time.

I think they naively or optimistically underestimated Roseanne’s vitriol.

Every last cast member knew what they signing up for when they hitched their wagons to a vile, racist, pig. Now they’re forever tainted with the stench of Rosanne. They all got what they deserved.

Martha did less time as a convict than Kalief Browder did as a suspect whose charges were dropped. She also had more privileges and humane living conditions compared to Kalief Browder. I will take felony with wealth any day.

Read an excellent article about power x abuse x workplace in HuffPo.

Agreed. He definitely owns that “I’m a scumbag” look.

This made me very emotional. People who have been accused of multiple acts of rape should not be out in bail, I’m sure there’s a lawyer who will explain to me why I’m wrong but it’s just my personal feelings towards people like Harvey. I think the fact he didn’t even go out of his way to look like he showered or dry

Kalief Browder’s story is a nightmare. Good on Annabella Sciorra for tying together the strings of racism, sexism and classism that hold up our (in)justice system.

Cats have two settings: Nothing Matters & Everything Is On Fire.

This is why I wish sex work and sex workers weren’t so stigmatized. I’ve long thought sex work needs to be legal, regulated, unionized, and taxed.

If we’re going to be ruthlessly efficient about this like he wants, just develop a cultural norm where all the incels ship off to their own little island. Then they can’t kill any women. Problem solved.

It’s just enough to drive a modern person mad to listen to these incels from the internet area ensconced in their comfortable secure lives complaining about the fact that they’re discriminated against because they don’t have enough sex. It’s like, Jesus get a hobby. For Christ’s sake, you — you — ”

Dude. You of all people should know not to fall for trolls.

Oh yeah? Is child murder cool where she came from?

Yes. Their age doesn’t belie their truth.

Just want to send some love to all the people who never had a mother figure, are missing someone, who’s mothers aren’t good to them or make the mother-child relationship difficult. In some ways I’m close to mine, and in others I continue to be hurt by her. Mother’s Day is a really shitty holiday for a lot of people,

Now playing

Yeah, but mostly I think he was just an insecure social climber who cared a lot about what people thought of him. And Harper Lee’s friend was not the image he was going for. If he didn’t care what they thought, he would’ve completed ‘Answered Prayers’.