
It’s lets not let’s. Let’s is short for ‘let us’. Yes I am an old schoolmarm

Way to go Trolly McTroll.

Belladonna? Hell, all you need is some white oleander...or foxglove...or rhubarb...or...the list is long...

Did you mean lair or layer?

I totally fell for it.

Mass child murder is not a struggle.

Nope. You’re wrong. Read the article.

Oh my god they should call you The Punisher because you are very punny.

So he....assaulted the officer....with his face? Or rather his face assaulted the cops fist? Oh I get it, his face obstructed the free swinging motion of the cops arm. Got it. Freaking cops....

Pretty cool!

No, I read the article. This was when Trump was going to run for NY governor. So Cohen told the women basically good thing you came to me, when Trump is governor, he’ll fix all this and destroy Schneiderman (the two men DESPISE each other). Trump never ran for governor of NY, so Cohen didn’t have any angles he could

One bill. One. Uno. Ein. Une. Yi.

Meh. I used to live in her district. She wrote and passed one (1) bill to help our district in 20 years.

What is it? Anime? Manga?

Fox News wrote and published this thing?

You sound like the guitarist from Dethklok

Explain and expound pls

My response exactly...