How is this news?
How is this news?
This is the picture I needed today.
“they would be provided other seats ***if available***”
Nothing says “we value and cherish mothers” like the commenters who demand they choose another day. “Moms are incredibly important!...BUT..find a more convenient day. ThInk oF tHe ChilDreN!!
Thoughts and Prayers ™️, NRA.
This post just made my world a better place.
Black person shoots someone: “a no good hood thug”
WTF was the “situation”? Not having enough room in your pantry to store it properly??
Fair point. My brain immediately went to “In this day and age, why would someone share this anecdote with the internet??”
Are you....bragging about this?
You need new friends.
“God’s coin purse”
I el-oh-el’d there as well.
So how does all of this info tie in for people who are taking pharmaceuticals for anxiety/depression and want to try integrating these things as opposed to increasing doses of medication? There doesn’t seem to be a lot of information for this demographic, and in most instances, MDs aren’t willing do discuss it.