
Sepectacular article, Michael. The analogy is wonderful, and as always, your writing style is outstanding.

I’m not sure what line of work you’re in, but I treat being asked to do bullshit tasks as what that are: an intrusion of my actual workload, and I ask where they’d like me to prioritize it.

“Taboo”.. As in culturally or biblically? I can respect that.

Until ALL white people start giving a shit, it’s a pretty damn accurate generalization.

This book does a spot-on job summing up “Your Kind” of our people in two words:

...”no one calls for that much backup otherwise...”

Dude, why the hell are you bringing up white men? Do you feel the need to insert your whiteness and your white opinion into *every* fucking space?

I’m sure this book would leave your “debate” flapping in the wind.

Calm down, sweetheart. Maybe read a good book?

So SALTY today, Hammie!

And, even more importantly:

Relevant because Clapback title..

I respectfully ask that I be allowed to take this comment out for a picnic at dusk along the waterfront.

Holy CRAPWEASELS...yes..the all white!

This PRC graph needs another footnote:


A step up from expecting past presidents from swooping in and saving up, I’ll admit. Yet still with a detached air, and your ever-present comfy bubble of privilege. Aside from tapping out your feels on the keyboard of what I imagine is a tax-deductable computer...what have *you* done?

Michelle Obama was hands down THE best FLOTUS we we’ll have (in my lifetime), and I fully agree that they owe fuck-all.


How does it feel to hate your life so much that you need to project your own self- hatred onto blacks?