
As a gay dude, I don't think it was homophobic.
It was using the metaphor of "sucking someone's cock" as in "doing what they say".
Colbert wasn't literally saying that Trump's gay or that being gay is bad.

As someone who used to work directly with Ms Franklin, and spoke to her on the phone daily for months, I can say that she is utterly nuts. And that was several years ago, so I can only imagine she's even more nuts now. And she still only communicates via phone or fax.

That's very true, he is surprisingly tall. Good point. I guess he just doesn't have that impressive Tick presence somehow.

The new suit is an improvement. But as much as I love Peter Serafinowicz, he strikes me as a strange choice for the character.

It's the most visible aspect of the fandom and the easiest to explain ("they're people who wear animal suits!"). Most furries are just people who think cartoon animals are neat. Never wanted a suit myself, and only know one person who has one, personally.

Only a minority of furies can even afford fursuits, and only a fraction of those people buy ones modified to have sex in. It's a tiny tiny fraction. I'm sure those folks enjoy themselves, but the vast majority of furries have never and will never have sex in a fursuit. It's just not a thing.

As a furry, I will tell you flat out that hardly anyone actually has sex in a cartoon animal costume. It's hot and uncomfortable just to walk around in one of those things, much less have sex in them. And nobody wants to mess up a $3000 suit. Sure, some do, but it's waaaay in the minority. Like nazi-furries.

You want people to be thought of as Nazis because you're vaguely creeped out by them and don't really understand them? Seems to me that's kinda… Nazi-esque. And awful.

When it comes down to it, it's just people who think cartoon animals are neat.

Foxler and the Furry Raiders are genuine no-joke neo-Nazis and white supremacists; watching them destroy their own convention by being who they are is sad and strange. I guess every subculture has its strange, loud, assholish little group of jerks.

TLDR: A small group of neo-Nazi furries ruined their own convention by being Nazis.

I'd say it's a tossup between Flight of the Intruder and the incompetent, unfunny HOP.

Haven't seen Sucker Punch; half of my friends said it was unwatchable and the others said it was a super fun look at Snyder's dreams, so I sort of avoided it.

I loved "Watchmen" and saw it three times in the theater. I'm also a huge fan of the graphic novel. I genuinely don't know why someone would dislike it so intensely.

Well, they haven't actually shown any of the cartoons yet — just some sketches and concept art — so I'll wait to actually see them.

Hoping we see Doctor Aphra make her first animated appearance.

I've seen some comments from Robert Carlyle (in interviews for T2 Trainspotting) that refer to how thankful he's been for such a great reliable gig on Once Upon a Time but that he's very ready to be done with it and spend time back home and making films rather than spend much of the year working on the show. I think

Hotel Transylvania 3 is a Sony Animation movie, not Dreamworks.


Thank you for this. I've loved Castle Waiting for so long, and have been wondering what happened to Linda Medley.