
Chelsea isn't too bright, is she?

We're talking about a specific black man who videotaped himself peeing on a 14-year old girl.

I first tried pickled herring at the Akershus restaurant at Norway in Epcot as a kid, and loved it. They had it both in wine and cream sauce, and I thought it was fantastic stuff. It wasn't until grown-up roommates recoiled in horror from it that I realized it was considered a bit of an acquired taste.

I've seen Dirty Three perform six or seven times, and they always put on an amazing, energetic show with bonkers stories and jokes from Warren Ellis.

"Un! deux! trois! quatre! cinq!!"

It's been on Apple Music and iTunes since last night. I'm listening to 4:44 on Apple streaming right now.

I can't even imagine what they'd talk about for an hour.
"Do you intend to kill the president?"
"Are you encouraging others to kill the president?"
"Ok, let's start over and do it again, for an hour."

It could be worse, I could be around someone who assumes Daniel Day-Louis is "insufferably full of shit" because he's studying dressmaking in order to better play a dressmaker.

He's retired before, became a carpenter or cobbler or something for awhile, and came back.

Outside of his fans, nobody wants to waste any time watching Alex Jones.

It may have already been noted, but "He's giving Infowars a WH press credential" is not true. That's just another thing Alex Jones made up. Megyn Kelly is repeating InfoWars BS to promote her show.

Hey guys, thanks for talking over the song!

I love Lynda Barry so much.

My dad taking me to see Star Wars when I was 5 (the 1979 rerelease). I have only fuzzy hazy memories of it, but it completely blew my mind, and I decided then and there that I wanted to be Luke Skywalker.

But what of the pictured "Shoecolate"??

Trump is a closed-minded simpleton who eats terrible food, so I think it's a fair story.

Er. Vangelis.
Redone by Jóhann Jóhannsson.

Thankless job of the day: line producer for drunk Justin Roiland. Or sober Justin Roiland for that matter.

It sounds like you haven't been following any of the #cancelcolbert BS, in which tons of liberals and conservatives literally think he was saying that being gay is the worst possible thing because he was saying Trump sucks cock.