
Han, lighting a match after using the space-john: "Get in there, I don't care what you smell!"

And it has one of my favorite pieces of movie music, "You're So Cool" from True Romance!

People are crazy. That animatronic looks amazing.


Thank you.

Thank you.

Sure! Here's a page with some relevant quotes from Bill Maher talking about it, along with an episode of his show where he chats about young boys being in older relationships. As far as his views on transgender people, that was something he discussed with Milo on his show.…

So… you're ignorant, and therefore we shouldn't care about Milo?

" unearthing video of comments Yiannopoulos had made condoning pedophilia—a video that, among many, Maher didn’t challenge him on, nor actually present."
That's because Maher agrees with Milo on this point — he's come out in favor of underage kids being in relationships with older women as long as they're "based on

In which The Irishman doesn't vaccinate his kids, and they get measles and polio and die!

Given how long Ron Perlman's been stumping to do Hellboy 3, I guess this means Mike Mignola killed it?

Bowie's musical is called "Lazarus", not Blackstar.

Two other candidates:
The Princess Bride
Harold & Maude

I was really hoping they'd ask him about his character (and amazing makeup) in Behind the Candelabra.

In other words, "Obama did it, so we're obligated to destroy it, no matter what."

I don't condemn Iger for trying to do some good in a bad situation. Elon Musk is there, too, and he openly hates Trump; his take is that he's being pragmatic about trying to give a moron some good advice about new technology.

"Strictly speaking, she's proposing turning private schools public." Those are the words she's using, but her stated goal (in the article I linked to, and in many other interviews) is to replace the public school system with a voucher-based private one, based on Christian tenets. In my opinion, that is the wrong way

I'm glad you're such a fan of Ms DeVos. You're arguing with the wrong person, and sounding like quite a moron while doing so. But feel free to keep quoting the Bible, it's amusing to read your posts!

Feel free to read the link where she talks about how she wants to privatize schools and offer a voucher system for charter programs that emphasize Christian education. Having been to church a whole lot, no, Christians don't go around talking about "building God's Kingdom". Especially not when they're taking over the