
"he was also an unrepentant racist" — actually, he was more of a repentant racist. Later in life, when he became a bit more social and actually spent time with human beings outside of his house, he regretted his racist comments, though given that this was a generally all-around racist time, it's all a bit relative.

Let's also not forget the times that Chopper has straight-up tried to murder various members of the crew, including throwing Ezra off the side of the ship multiple times and running over his fingers while laughing, forcing him to fall down a shaft, saved only by Kanan at the last second.

I hope the new droid stays around. He and Chopper have much better chemistry than Chopper does with any living being, given that he's a homicidal prick.

There's a lot of amazing TV out there right now. I'm certain there's another show out there you can enjoy that doesn't piss you off and leave you joyless if that's how you're feeling.

Alex Hirsch of "Gravity Falls" posted something recently about canon and fan-canon. He said (approximately), "What headcanon do I support? All headcanon. What's canon is in the show. The canon you create in your head is great and I support it as long as you realize it exists in your head and not in the show."

"Fry Cry Primal"
I think that's a different game entirely, full of the existential angst of being a caveman who can only find work at McDonalds.

Awesome! I can't wait to see Jughead get boned while eating a hamburger. Or would he be boning a hamburger?


If you want to see a Blade Runner landscape, just drive by Gary Indiana at night. Complete with gouts of flame hurled upwards.

I'm not worried about Harrison Ford LOOKING old. I'm thinking more of the reality of him being able to; he'll be 75 in 2018.

Harrison's not getting any younger. Film him now while he's still able.

Since it isn't, and supposedly will never be for sale, I guess we'll have to take your word for it. It'd be nice if Kanye allowed us to purchase his new album, but I guess I'm too white to appreciate it.

"Also, I did not get the “Walken closet” pun until you explained it"
Good lord


I'm so glad I'm not Kanye West's album designer right now.

I was able to see them a few times with the "old" band; Thor Harris is very much missed, but Jonathan Meiburg's voice is a force of nature to behold. Their live show is more than worthwhile. I just wish they were coming to Boston this time around.

Early contender for my favorite album of the year. While there's fewer songs to sing along to (nothing as catchy as Animal Life or Seventy Four Seventy Five), just about every song here is rich and terrific, and it feels like an actual no-joke album. Time to put it on again.