
James Gunn has hinted that Adam Warlock might be in Guardians 2, as well as ROM: Spaceknight. He's also non-ironically said that he would love to do a Squirrel Girl movie, and the new comic is killing it right now, so you aren't far off.

I absolutely agree. However surly/gruff/disdainful he is on TV, he was clearly having fun doing his job in the movie and brought his A-game.

Yes, "The Force Awakens" wasn't one of those made-for-charity blockbusters, shockingly! And here I thought the new Star Wars movie would be a tiny art-house film.

I have to admit, watching him in Force Awakens was a little awkward, because by the time it came out. he'd already been on a half-dozen talk shows and things making it clear that he doesn't give a shit about Han Solo or Star Wars, that he actively dislikes doing this stuff, and was only in it for the money (unless all

Rogue One?? Halloo??

I simply have a big problem with an author freely admitting that big chunks of his books are simply time-wasting wheel-spinning meant to delay things enough for other characters to age up. When I invest the time in reading these thick novels, much of which is extremely enjoyable, only to find out that entire subplots

My mistake, I actually meant Quentyn Martell!

Well, if we're talking about the same 'mummer's puppet', then so far he's been hugely avoided and seems to have not been cast for the next season. That, to me, is the biggest evidence that the showrunners have trimmed out a massive red herring and are focusing on things that don't waste people's time for nearly half

I kid around about the dull-ass kingsmoot chapters, but honestly, Damphair is a great character, and I'd love to see him depicted well on screen.

Well gosh, I must have dreamed those endless chapters of Jaime having lunch and Oberyn Martell moping around, the Greyjoys having their dull kingsmoot, etc etc.

I have. The first three are excellent. Then… no.
That's kind of what my comment is about, Miss Placenta.

This, exactly. I've referred to Feast as being a book largely about having lunch in castles, interspersed with Brienne getting lost. We hear a lot about what a brilliant guy Stannis is, but it's hard to judge his wartime prowess when he's just sitting around with his army freezing. Not to mention the huge amount of

What a clever rebuttal! I bow to your deep knowledge of these books.

Yes: a better telling of the same story, but without the dozens of meandering subplots that go absolutely nowhere, without endless chapters of characters having lunch or wandering around pointlessly, and without huge plot arcs invented just to waste time (as GRRM has readily admitted doing). You know, smarter.

Yes, the first three books are great! Love them. But as the show's gone on, it's figured out how to tell the same story that GRRM is making horribly complex into a lean, smartly-told tale. It's OK, you can hate it and I can like it.

Can you really say the show is smarter after Done and "the bad pussy?"

I recently finished Dance with Dragons and I was all but laughing out loud on an airplane as Martin introduced EVEN MORE NEW PLOTS piled on top of the dozens of subplots rummaging around. Come on, GRRM. We know more or less what's important here. I do not give two craps about the Martells, the Sand Snakes, or the

Frankly, the TV show has eclipsed what GRRM is doing with the books. They're telling the same basic story in a smarter, leaner, better way, and I'm OK with that.

I could've done without the bad Indian accent for C3PO.

All of this and no mention of the classic drone version by Low?