
For what it's worth, Paul claims to be embarrassed that this terrible song keeps getting so much airplay, as it was recorded on a lark while he was fiddling with his new synthesizer and put out as a single against his wishes. But given how much money his synth-farts makes him, he's not complaining too loudly.

There's already one lab making a .99 cent version of the same drug, but there are USDA laws about distribution of a compounded pill, so they can't get the same distribution that Asshole can.

They wouldn't even return his calls, I'm sure. I doubt Kendrick Lamar would, either. What infuriates me is his glee in throwing his pharma cash around to troll people so blatantly.

Update: Asshole now says that he's planning on approaching more artists to buy "private albums" from them, saying ""If there is a curious gap in your favorite artist's discography, well, now you know why." He says he's considering Kanye, Prince, David Bowie, Paul McCartney, Kendrick Lamar, and Taylor Swift.

Wayne Gretzky shat on the Stanley Cup after buying it?

Let me guess: he'll brag about how he just bought the rarest, most desirable album ever made, then take photos of himself using it as a sushi plate before taking some selfies pooping on it for lulz.

Easily one of the most thoughtful, heartfelt, amazing games I've ever played.

Oddly missing from the list is Dinosaur, the animated Disney film from 2000. Officially, it cost $172 million, but is said to have cost much, much more. And since an entire production facility (The Secret Lab) was built for its production and then sadly shut down afterwards, it could be argued that Dinosaur is the

I stand corrected! Still, he's most definitely Maori in appearance as well as culture.

1) All of the original clones were indeed clones of Jango Fett — a man of color, a full-blooded Maori.
2) It's established canon that during the time of the original trilogy, the Empire was drafting (and press-ganging) anyone they could find into the Stormtroopers, and weren't using clones anymore. That includes black

While I like the album a lot, it has possibly Missy Elliot's worst lyric of all time in BURNITUP:
"Ooh! I'mma shut tha door! /
Kitty cat, meow meow meow meow meow."

"And so Rick And Morty does it’s first sequel."
Its. Not it's.

The first time I saw Eugene Mirman, he was opening for Patton Oswalt, and I had no idea who this guy was. He immediately announced that he was selling Franklin Mint gilt-edged plates with his face and the words "I'll kick you so hard in the dick you'll cum fear" on them, which was true, and I knew he was a genius.

Good call — everything Rankin-Bass was Japanese-American, and Last Unicorn definitely received a wide release.

Moebius and Brian Froud also worked on it, along with a crazy cast of Disney and ex-Disney animators. The credits alone are kind of amazing to watch.

Don't SCARE me like that.

Thanks Neil!! It's the perfect song to set the mood for this trailer. And damn hard to get ahold of in 2015, which is a sadness. To the used record store!

As you might guess from its ironic title, The Comedy is the opposite of a comedy, and not in a Tim & Eric "discomfort comedy" sort of way. It's more a depiction of a handful of really distasteful self-hating guys and their daily lives filled with nothing. That said, it's hard to look away from and has some lovely

I made my way through The Comedy, and will try this as well, because Neil Hamburger is brilliant. Somehow.

This book is absolutely the equivalent of the most difficult-to-watch parts of their shows. The section on "removing your tubes", alone, made me recoil and put the book down for a time where I hadn't just eaten macaroni.