
As an album cover designer, I purchase and alter Shutterstock images for clients all the time. Indie artists don't have thousands of dollars for a custom photo shoot or custom illustration. Stock images make it affordable.

She looked pretty awkward and uncomfortable in the videos I saw. Not too surprising.


We never actually saw Hicks' dead body, only Newt. Perhaps the Company hid his mangled body and kept him alive all these years?

Dude, have you ever designed a pair of pants? Those things are HARD! With the legs and seams and…. it's just too much to think about, especially when you're a rapper. It's a lot easier to cut a hole in a poncho and call it a sweater.

Sheridan “blew Singer away early on”

I would give this show so much credit if the crew either junked Chopper for being a homicidal maniac or actually outed him as an Empire plant who'd been sabotaging them all along.

I am! I am!

In case it wasn't super clear, Marilyn Manson is a really tough guy who is fully willing to be violent, and also, he's a cobra with really tight buttocks and a switchblade. Just in case you wanted to fight and/or hump him, he's ready. I guess that's the message we can all take from this.

He is.

Don also claimed (backed up by Frank) that he didn't sleep for the entire creation of Trout Mask, about a year or so. The myths around that album are bonkers.

After looking at my CD player, baffled, trying to understand the mess of Trout Mask, I sort of "got" it when I heard that track. Specifically, The Mascara Snake saying "…christ…" when Don corrects him. This wasn't ultra-arty highbrow weirdness that was too smart for me to get. It was silly, and supposed to be silly.

I love Shiny Beast, it's such a brilliant piece from start to finish.

To this day, WHISKEY!!! is an all-purpose catchphrase with my friends and myself.

I agree fully. Watching some Japanese animation for the first time can be a jarring experience for folks weaned on Western storytelling; there's symbology, iconography, and storytelling conventions unique to Japan that take some getting used to.

Somehow watching things on a plane brings out weird emotions.

This is what's so intimidating to people about getting into "the scene": when the best recommendation is to "be yourself! relax! no pressure!" and go to a relaxed, be-yourself sex party…. where you are, according to the site, encouraged to dress in a creative costume and you're forbidden to wear jeans or khakis.

Some people felt that breaking parties down into their roles (defender/striker/etc) was too WoW-esque, and then they saw the minotaur as a player race and decided they'd just stolen the Tauren, as well. It was a silly argument.

Very true. I should have clarified that.

The big complaints I kept hearing are:
- "It uses cards, so it's just Magic the Gathering!". Well, no. The cards are just a handy list of your daily/encounter powers. You can write them out as a list if cards give you hives.
- "You have to use miniatures and battle mats!" Basically, yes, you do. 4e is a lot less