
Roger Dean's been working on a CG movie (to be called "Floating Islands", natch) based on his album covers, off and on, for years. All joking aside, now that this lawsuit's settled, maybe he'll be able to finish it.

So, despite the fact that the production artists admitted that James Cameron literally tacked a bunch of Yes album covers up and told them to use them as the basis for his universe, and that certain frames of the movie are identical to various Yes covers, they aren't substantial enough? Ooookay.

I really enjoyed a lot of Pop when it came out, honestly. Tracks like Mofo, Gone, Miami, and even Playboy Mansion were *interesting* — which is much more than I can say for a lot of the mediocre stuff they've been putting out. I'd rather U2 be interesting than safe.

There's 707 comments above this, so it's probably already been said, but.. The Clone Wars show isn't Expanded Universe. It's movie-level canon.

Fargo. Kept me riveted.

Why would it be a film critic's responsibility to warn people that there's some spoilery bloody parts in a movie? It was rated R for "language, some sexual content and violence", the movie posters say.

I really enjoyed it, and would easily recommend it, but I've seen better movies this year. And, weirdly, it didn't feel as fresh as the original did; maybe between the Christmas special, the live stage show, and the animated series, they over-saturated it a little?

As someone without kids who never played with LEGO and has exactly zero nostalgia for various blocks and bricks, I loved it and recommend it to anyone.

Well, sort of. The Muppet Show always had a full enthusiastic audience (of Muppets), with Statler & Waldorf being the lone curmudgeons. The Muppets was all about the world having forgotten them but, by the end, everyone remembering how terrific they are and embracing them. And then in the new movie we see them being

There were some genuine laughs ("Die Muppets? That seems harsh.") and fun cameos (Josh Groban, Danny Trejo as himself, Celine Dion). But the whole concept of basically writing off The Muppets and everything they'd done in that movie, then separating Kermit from the gang for the whole film was bizarre. I kinda felt

Muppets Most Wanted disappointed me more than any movie I've seen in years. Hey, here's a great idea: let's follow up our gleeful, happy, nostalgic hug of a hit movie by pretending that everyone in the world actually hates the Muppets, and setting half of the film in a bleak Russian gulag. Let's even have jokes about

Thank you for the Actual News. Much appreciated!

I really hope this gets shut down. Like, now. Please.

Hana? You mean Anna?

I dunno who's doing Michael Angel-O but he's amazing.

He clearly didn't actually listen to the song, or if he did, he gave it a once-over to write a "controversial" HateSong article. He comes off as sadly ignorant and cringingly elitist — "I'm so into gay rights that I'm way above gay rights, so I can say that this song is insulting!"

I admit that I am a lousy judge of Flow. But apparently it is both jacked and wack, based on comments here.

Does it make me naive that I appreciate songs with a positive message? I guess so? Gosh, yeah, in the future I hope artists just ignore gay people and hope we go away. That's productive.

Oh, got it. You feel taken advantage of. I feel sorry for you.