
I watched last week too. It was good. Kate McKinnon is a treasure.

Give it a little time and be patient with him (to a point!). Particularly if he’s not like super-duper experienced. 

So I have severely crippling anxiety. (I’m working on it, but as we all know it’s a process). There is a mandatory meeting at my job next week and my therapist told me to just be sick for it now and we’ll work on building up my ability to attend it. If necessary, what excuse would you use?

I think it’s accepted that a helmet would not have saved Sonny Bono’s life. Even manufacturers acknowledge that skiing at speed into a tree would exceed the protection levels of a helmet. Now, a helmet probably could have saved Natasha Richardson’s life. She merely banged her head on the snow pack after a fall.

I went skiing precisely twice and both times I had embarrassing incidents with chair lifts. After that I stayed in the lodge and was happy. Skiing is for super athletic people. I am not super athletic.

It’s worth it, at least for a few months/times. Most guys are unfortunately oblivious to the fact that no, their dick is not the end-all-be-all.

I’m concerned that he was unwilling to make an effort to listen and respond to your requests. If he’s willing to listen, maybe not during sex, to talk about it, then possibly. If not, then, no.

Work on it and make him put some work in girl. Get the d! You can have fun exploring each other together

After Natasha Richardson died my “maybe some day” turned in to a fuck no. I found other ways to fuck my body up but at least I’m not dead.

BMR is what you burn if you basically didn’t move all day, it doesnt take into account even basic energy expenditure/exercise.

This is your resting caloric consumption (the article refers to it as what is needed to keep you alive). If you literally laid in bed all day and did nothing you would burn between 1300 and 1500 calories, the fit 25 year old would burn 1700 calories.

I’m assuming you’re White, on account of the fact that you wear a balaclava in public and the police haven’t murdered you.

Well, there’s your problem. You should have bought a baklava. That shit is delicious. Might as well get a Gyro while you’re at it. Do NOT skimp on the tzatziki sauce and feta, because that makes it extra tasty. Aaaand that spanakopita looks pretty fresh too. Get some of that too.

Same. If I tell myself I”m going to work out at home I just get drunk and yell at couples on House Hunters. If I make myself go to the gym I actually do some exercise.

I disagree. I find going to the gym very ritualistic and an easier habit to maintain than getting myself to do exercises at home

I also live in Chicago and I just go to the gym on the way home from work. That way I don’t infuriate the people who live below me by repeatedly jumping up and down on my floor for an hour a day (though your second description of your actual workout sounds like it would be fine).

It’s been awhile since we’ve had a classic Hamilton Nolan exercise rant!

Contrary to popular belief, one does not need to be in a constant state of stress and anxiety in order to perform well, either in sports or anything else. In fact, the opposite is true. Rest and relaxation are vital to training and performing well in any task.

You’re just pissed off nobody invited you out to happy hour on Thursday. “I’d like to see their fb pictures on Monday morning. Weeks not done, guys.”

Grrrr, grit grit grit.