
Thanks. Happy New Year :)

I apologize for getting you in a huff on this beautiful day. Also your username reads pretty troll-y. Maybe Calm’s formula has some other stuff in it? The magnesium tablets alone did not have the same effectiveness for me.

My most sincere congratulations to you, Kelly! Also, thank you for reminding me that I shall never reproduce. No cheese for nine months? OUTTIE 5000.

I don’t do yearly resolutions anymore, only monthly mini-goals. That way I either thrive, or don’t and I can quickly evaluate why rather than feeling like a failure come December.

I commend your pearl-clutching comment/observation as being at once:

Fuck Off

Dude, this is Jalopnik / Gawker. Fucking get used to the language or GTFO

Can I put in a request for MORE swearing? I want all these people who complain about swearing in headlines to just get their work done at work

Refresh your browser. I swear there’s an article written, and words surrounding the one you don’t like, in case you get tired of seeing it.

fuck you

“The consensus for those of us that live our lives through the media and Internet.” should have been it haha.

That’s all good if you ignore everything that happens outside of your personal bubble. Which may not be a bad thing, but it’s a bit nearsighted.

She didn’t. She was trying to close and clinch, but Holm (HOLM, motherfuckers, not HOLMES) has much better footwork and outfighting skills than anyone she ever faced.

If we are being totally real. Kara is kind of a bully. She makes fun of a lot of people and goes in hard. Some people like that type of abrasiveness. But I think she takes it a bit too far with that persona and runs wild. Her entire twitter page is bragging about all the people who blocked her for being kind of shitty

See, and that’s sad. Your comment sparked a great discussion here and now you feel like you did something wrong and shouldn’t have even said something. That is not OK. She’s entitled to her opinion just like all of us. But first of all, she has a blog with millions of readers where she expresses her opinion every day

I don’t understand what was wrong with your comment at all, but I’m honestly nearly done with Jez. God forbid you disagree with the hive mind.

She does have a right to her opinion, but it would have been nice if she engaged you directly about her opinion instead of running to Twitter to make fun of you.

Keep telling the womenz they’re hysterical when they disagree with you, I’m sure you’ll do great here.


I’ll accept that when we get average women in television. Right now the ratio of average schlubby dong to smoking hot naked ladies on tv is pretty damn skewed.