
pizza is life.

I feel like it's antifeminist to befriends with Karl lagerfeld

There’s no such thing as too much bread.

Correction: I give all the shit. That’s the only reason why I do this.

Arizona fucking sucks big donkey balls.

In a Wednesday press conference, Arpaio noted that the settlement was a good business decision since the girl’s family had initially sued for $30 million.

“No tiger? Dumbass!” was also how my adapted screenplay of The Life of Pi got rejected.

black cops can be bad, too. when minority cops kill minority citizens, they're still the tool of the majority.

Zero for the victim, all of them for the murderer.

Actually, both men served in the Coast Guard. Guess how many stories mention that the victim served compared to those mentioning the murderer served?

Coast Guard I believe

"if people stopped acting like it was a crime every time cops shoot someone"

Holy Fuck you're right. Maybe he was running towards a loaded cannon. Better put 8 rounds in him just be sure.

Just two things of note

Great job of elegantly capturing a sentiment I've had a hard time communicating to friends or family who still do not think this is an issue of utmost importance.

Very well-written article. Well stated, cogent, and laudable. Thank you.

Because I know that someone in the comments will talk about how dangerous it is to be a police officer, just wanting to come home alive, etc.

It is more dangerous to be employed as a landscaper in America than it is to be employed as police officer. This is a fact that is true and is verifiable.

Great post Greg, and great art Jim.

Fucking a. I came in wanting to say "Not for me". And its true. Every cop I've ever met, even when I fucked up as a teenager, was nice (or at least... respectfully assertive).

it's impossible to understate how poorly this stuff reflects on the US to outsiders. a while ago I had someone from Kenya ask me about all the cop shootings going on back home, saying how horrible it is. you know things are bad when someone from Kenya shows you sympathy for shit happening in your home country.