
GAH I was so close to writing Dayne. Now I regret it.

Excuse me. Sorry to bother you. I just have to tell you that the answer should have been Dayne. I love her voice.

Someone actually cross-stitch that Eastwood bon mot for me. I’ll pay you in cash and/or home canned goods.

Real shit. I know that by even leaving this comment I’m contributing to the K madness. Because you record a click as a marketing metric that tells Jez powers that be, that these stories drive traffic. And maybe they do. But in the past three weeks, I swear to goodness EVERY GOTDAMN DAY y’all have a story on these

“The thing is about abortion — and about a lot of things — is that I think people get tied up in all these details of, sort of, you’re this or this or that, or you’re hard and fast (on) one thing or the other.”

How ridiculous it is that they continue to be a thing? Seriously?!

How many Rand Pauls does it take to remind me that I hate Rand Paul?

“He’s supported legislation in the past that would ban abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or to save the mother’s life; at other points in time he’s supported bills seeking to ban abortions without exception.”

>Paul grew testy when pressed in the interview on the question of exceptions. “I gave you about a five-minute answer. Put in my five-minute answer,” he said.

I’m still pissed about the way he treated Queen Savannah this morning.

Rand Paul is a condescending, disingenious, racist, sexist, classist prick who is a “doctor” only in his deluded pinball machine of a mind. In short, our next Republican candidate for President of the United States ladies and gentleman!

Should she have been at home praying (or knitting, playing bridge, adjusting her HurryCane®, using rotary phones...) or whatever else it is you think middle-aged people should be doing?

Really incredible story. I followed it, shared some tears.

I used to work in both professional and collegiate athletics, so I usually read these stories with a grain of salt and a very jaded lens. Regardless of this fact, this story got to me. Even if the athletes or the Club do it for reasons that are less than genuine, it means everything to these kids.

One athlete that is

I was rooting really hard for MSU in the Final Four. They were the only team I liked - wish they had won. This only cements my feeling that I was right to root for them.

I’m not crying you’re crying.

I know sports stars get painted badly in the press a lot (rightly so in some regards) but I went to school with a few professional soccer players and I know how much their hospital visits around Christmas mean as a lot are working class kids from poor backgrounds who love giving back to communities. Adreian Payne

Whoa! Whoever took that video had balls! I would have been scared as fuck after witnessing the bloodbath!

It won’t. Eric Garner. Also on film. White cop, black victim, Fox is already firing up the spin machine. We’ll be hearing about this murder victim’s 1974 jaywalking conviction by the end of the day.