
Just a fun fact about our hero.

I’m with you on this!

You know, we can have more than one hero at a time.

They are both cool heroes.

As a mentally ill person I want to bake this woman an amazing cake. This man is not mentally ill, and that would just be a way for Fox and even progressive outlets to ignore the changes and evolution that has occurred in American racism.

Not sure I could love this comrade more.

Incorrect graphics, cameras staying with a player as their putts roll, confused announcers....it's almost like they've never done this before.

Their first error was having Joe Buck and Greg Norman anchor it.

I prefer to call it a terrorist attack, and I’m right.

Do I expect tweens to use the word “faggot” like you did? Yup. You’re in great company. Go finish your summer school homework, son.

Cool it with the f bombs. Are you 12?

I agree. I actually had to read that line over like three times before I realized that it was intended seriously (and not as poorly placed snark) because I thought the cover was very well-done and moving.

YES. I think the paper did the right thing.

I completely agree with this. Roof should not be given publicity at all. He should not become a household name. The focus should be on the victims and the underlying societal issues that caused this horrific mass killing ie. Racism and gun control.

That was the point of the post I saw yesterday on FB. I unfriended the guy after one too many veiled racist comments, and this is what he had to say about the Charleston massacre:

We really, really should not let them do this. No "War on Christians" narrative, no "Lone Gunman" bullshit. We need to keep the pressure on, we need to keep calling it what this is: a product of racism and ignorance and lax gun laws. Any time someone tries to say it was something else, we need shout them down.

“The media and the left will use this to support their narrative that whites are slaughtering blacks,” added MattwhiteAmerica. “It will not matter what the truth is.””

This needs more stars, and is a pragmatic approach. Fuck that guy and his walking red flag of an existence.

maybe a nitpicky point but i am glad they are focusing on the victims in the news rather than the shooter. he deserves no attention. he is not special. he is a racist murderer that deserves a fair trial and then to be put away for the rest of his life. nothing more.

“Why not publish a photo of Dylann Roof, the racist shooter of those nine victims? Don’t bury the lede.”